20 Y/o. Does This Looking Like Diffuse Thinning, male pattern baldness, Or Neither?


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My Regimen
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male pattern baldness?


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Jesse Wilson

My Regimen
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Looks similar to what I have: very early thinning in the front. Who knows how far it will go. Rogaine unscented foam is $13 a month and I find it super easy to use (you can use it on your face too for permanent beard growth after a year of use). If you do that, maybe get derma roller too so your skin better absorbs the Minoxidil. If you become certain that it will not slow down and don't mind a slightly decreased libido, then maybe try finasteride. If you have the determination, some people have had success with moderately vigorous scalp massages that move the scalp around and put pressure on it, but it takes probably 10 minutes a day and 5 months for results. Maybe stand on your head? All this is very annoying. Thinning hair is annoying because it bothers you yet you know that you still technically look better with it so you don't want to shave. Maybe try Cabooki or Topiks - plant fibers that stick to your hair and make it thicker thus hiding the fact it's thinning. This works pretty well from what I've seen and I'd start to use it if I knew my thinning wasn't going to get better or worse. Shampoo usually isn't the culprit and changing it or using anti-sebum stuff probably won't help, but I hope it does for you! Your hair still looks good.