2 months on finasteride + nizoral. Should I be seeing any progress yet?


New Member
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Hi all, after reading all the horror stories about finasteride I put off starting it until my hair loss began getting worse and worse (I am currently a NW2). My doctor referred me to a dermatologist who noticed some inflammation and redness on my scalp. He put me on doxycycline and something else for only 5 days. I can not remember what it was called. Anyway, after that resolved itself, I was still shedding and the dermatologist then recommended finasteride. After starting finasteride 2 months ago I haven't experienced any real progress. However, last week I notice that I had slightly less hair in the sink when styling my hair in the morning. The two times I notice shedding is when I wash my hair, and when I style and comb it. Up until last week I was losing around 10-20 hairs whenever I washed my hair, now I am noticing around 30-40 hairs. When I style/comb my hair I used to lose around 50-60 hairs, and now it seems to be about 20-40. Would this be a sign my treatment is working, or am I just being mislead?

Current treatment:

finasteride - once a day
Nizoral - twice a week
Doxycycline - once a day
Multi-vitamin - once a day
Fish oil - once a day
Biotin 1000mcg - once a day

Any advice would be much appreciated.​
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Established Member
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Add Minoxidil to your regimen and 2 month on finasteride is too early to see results. Wait at least 4 months


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Two months is too early. I wouldn't worry about adding minoxidil yet. General rule of thumb is give it 6 months and see where you are.


New Member
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Cheers for the quick feedback. I will continue until the 4 month mark. Hopefully something!