1hr wait minoxidil + folligen


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Hi - just joined the site but have been reading it for the past month.

I started thinning years ago but never even heard of propecia until the discussions turned up on google. Now using the raft of recommended treatments reckoning at least one must work. 1 month in and still thinning but the male pattern baldness scalp-itch and sebum bits have disappeared so hoping for a bit of regrowth over the coming months.

Anyway 2 quick questions -

1) The regaine advises to wait 1hr after showering. Since I have to get up at 6am to shower to get to work on time there's no way I'm getting up any earlier. The thing is my hair is pretty short anyway and after 15mins I reckon my scalp is dry - is there really any disavantage in applying the minoxidil then rather than having to do it later in the toilets at work.

2) I noticed others have said their folligen turns their scalp green when combined with minoxidil. But after giving the minoxidil 30mins plus to seep in and then applying the folligen it's not green at all - does this mean I have a dud batch of folligen or am I just lucky?