(19y) Am I losing my hair? No one in my family is bald...


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Hello everyone,

I've been noticing for quite a while that my hairline is receding. My hairline has always been pretty far back, but I think it's getting worse.

I'm 19 years old and no one in my family is bald. Both grandpas neither. My dad's only partially bald now, but he's 56 and still has much hair on his head.

Could there be another cause? I use a lot of hairgel because my hair's very very thick. I wash it every day.

Here are some pictures, I'll start with one from a year ago:


And the following pictures were taken today:







I can't find any earlier pictures where my hairline's clearly visible unfortunately.

What do you guys think?


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Yeah man you have a U shape forming. It's not too bad though (NW2). Look into Finasteride.


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heading to a NW3 by the looks of it.


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heading to a NW3 by the looks of it.

What gives it away that he is heading towards Norwood 3? (Just curious). Could you look at that PM I sent you please?

- - - Updated - - -

Damn. That sucks. Any advice on what I should say to my doctor? He told me that it's pointless to do anything about it and I should just let it happen. My doctor sucks.

Go to a new derm. Tell him that you've been noticing a lot of shedding lately and you're wondering if Finasteride is right for you. Tell him you understand the possible sides, etc.

g.i joey

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get on finasteride now n save yourself the emotional pain of further balding.. start low with .25mg ed for a month and move up to .5 and so on. If you feel anything out of the ordinary simply come off and go on with your life. But if you could dodge the bullet with finasteride it will be agodsend man i promise.


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Thanks everyone for the replies. Is finasteride really worth it, with all of the possible side effects? I've heard a lot of horror stories. Including from people who only took it for one month and still got stuck with them.


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honestly dude the pictures suck, so many people are quick to tell you that you are destined to be bald very quickly but that could very well be so far from the truth. Its a possibility sure but the reality is a lot of people recede somewhat then stay that way for a long time. Over 90% of caucasian guys will suffer some form of hairloss, but like anything else in life it is to varying degrees. I think ur hair looks great although there is likely some slight thinning there. No reason to panic, I started thinning extremely slowly at 19, I am now 27 and my hairline is basically the same.

1) take better pictures so we can make a more accurate assessment
2) Don't read up too many stories concerning finasteride, the chances you will suffer from incurable side effects is very low despite what the internet says
3) just relax, you caught it early and still have a good head of hair.


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I think some people would tell a norwood 6 that some recession as you age is normal and it might just stop and stay that way forever. Yeah well it might, but if it doesnt then what? You cant wait until your bald just in case it stops by itself at some point. Do something or accept it and live with it