19 YRS old guy - hair loss - help


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19 YRS old guy - Androgenic hair loss (baldness run in the family)

Hello every1. Nice to meet you!
I had such a great hair but last couple of weeks lost a lot of it. (it runs in the family) I had hair loss issues for a long time but this is the first time I lost so much. (
my temples has receded a lot) My father is bald

That's what happened to me. I'm trying to stop it and I'm really worried.
I started to do masks with garlic juice, oils and vitamins
I also started to drink carrot juice
I also bought Revalid shampoo and ampoules

How many days a week can I do homemade masks?

Tell me what to do, I really don't want to lose more hair!

Thank you in advance!


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Sorry to say, but judging from the pictures your male pattern baldness is very much advanced.

Your options are:

1. Buzz it off. You'll probably look 3 times better instantly. Embrace the razor.
2. Get on finasteride, minoxidil, and nizoral.

If you do option 2, you need to:

a. Pray that treatment is effective
b. Pray that treatment is effective beyond normal expectations

3. Start saving money for a hair transplant.

Most likely you've already had these thoughts, but just haven't come to terms with it. I don't know how much the carrot juice and oils are going to do for you, judging by the pictures, it hasn't been very effective.


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Actually I had my hair cut yesterday.. It's not that bad besides the forehead
Moreover I have just started doing those things I mentioned so I hope they'll help me.
minoxidil is not permanent. It works as long as you use it.., after that your hair fall again, even worse..
finasteride leads to permanent sexual dysfunction risk.. so I wouldn't try it.

I'm just looking for a way to stop the hair fall and also to thicken it. Hair transplant is a solution I guess, but I don't have
the financial ability right now.

Thanks for your commend! Please give me more tips!



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Finasteride leads to permanent sexual side effects? No, it doesn't. In a small proportion of users it causes side effects, most men don't have any side effects. And they aren't permenant, stop taking finasteride within a few months of experiencing side effects and they'll go away.

If you are noticing your frontal recession over a matter of weeks, and if you are only 19 and already experiencing that much hair loss, then you have very aggressive hair loss. I would actually say something stronger than finasteride may be need, like dutasteride, combined with minoxidil and nizoral


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I'm on finasteride... I haven't experienced side effects. Now, some people might. It's a risk for sure, but there are ways to mitigate disaster... like starting at very low doses over multiple days and not shock your system with the full dose per day.


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You really do need Dutasteride if you are serious about reversing hair loss. If you don't care, buzz it and get on with life.


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You definitely need to start finasteride or dutasteride asap as well as a keto shampoo like Nizoral. If you truly did not start losing hair until recently, there's a chance you can reverse some of it on that alone.

Minoxidl would be better for regrowth, but you would need to stay on minoxidil for life if you want to maintain new hairs grown. It could do wonders for you though if you haven't been losing hair for a while.

If you are completely against using finasteride/dutasteride, then get on a topical (which won't be as effective but could help) - S5 cream, Revivogen, and/or RU.


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Actually I had my hair cut yesterday.. It's not that bad besides the forehead
Moreover I have just started doing those things I mentioned so I hope they'll help me.
minoxidil is not permanent. It works as long as you use it.., after that your hair fall again, even worse..
finasteride leads to permanent sexual dysfunction risk.. so I wouldn't try it.

I'm just looking for a way to stop the hair fall and also to thicken it. Hair transplant is a solution I guess, but I don't have
the financial ability right now.

Thanks for your commend! Please give me more tips!

Wait. So you want to dismiss Minoxidil and Finasteride, but believe you are actually doing something productive by drinking carrot juice and applying garlic juice to your scalp? lol.


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If you do have a hair transplant at some point, you'll have to take finasteride or Dutasteride to maintain the hair around the transplanted area. Your options are finasteride/dutasteride + minoxidil or shave your head and embrace baldness. I'm always amazed at the number of people who won't even try it for a month and see how it goes, most guys are totally fine, and don't listen to people saying that guys who do experience side effects have them permanently.


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I'm sorry. I don't really know much about hair loss. And I guess I would try what you suggested me.
How much mg a day finasteride should I take? 1 or 0.5?


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The recommended daily dosage is 1 mg. you need a prescription from your doctor though.


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The recommended daily dosage is 1 mg. you need a prescription from your doctor though.

Yes I'll go to dermatologist today. Thank you.

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What do you guys think about
Kirkland minoxidil 5% + finasteride+ Nizoral shampoo?

Also I wasn't able to find 1mg, only 5mg. What would you recommend?



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Cut the pills in quarters, that's what I do. We have the same regimen (1/4 proscar, 5% minoxidil & nizoral).

Be patient :)


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You should read everything you can on the internet. There isn't a ton of information, but there are some useful stuff. What we know about hair loss is very limited, the positive is that you can become a hair loss expert (at least, for a non medical authority) relatively quickly, the negative is that the lack of information directly correlates to the fact that there are only limited solutions.

Finasteride and minoxidil DO work for people... sometimes it doesn't work at all.

My honest opinion? If my hair loss was as advanced as yours, I'd just shave it all off and embrace the look. Men don't look bad with short hair.


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My hair loss is not that advanced right now. I actually didn't experience any hair loss in the last few days. And no I won't shave it all off. I'm just looking for the best solution considering my health. Better safe than sorry!

What do you think about

I've read that there're no side effects if you spray it directly on your scalp.
Thank you.


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No that doesn't work since the DHT comes from the inside. Go with finasteride 1mg daily, 5% minoxidil 2x a day and wash your hair with Nizoral shampoo. That's called the Big Three and it will give most people the best results with a minimal chance of sides..


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Your frontal hair loss is quite advanced. Stop trying to find alternatives. Your options are oral finasteride (1 mg) and minoxidil (5%), or lose more hair. The longer you wait trying old wives remedies, the more hair you will lose, and the less hair you will regrow when you do eventually try finasteride and minoxidil.

Finasteride and minoxidil, take them or lose more hair. Your choice. Everyone here will tell you exactly the same thing.


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Look bro, everyone loves the idea that an alternative treatment may be as good as the pharmaceutical one but that isn't always the case. I started to lose my hair before my 19th birthday and I too thought that i should just use alternative therapies because they seemed 'natural'. I tried saw palmetto, drinking loads of green tea, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root, grapeseed extract over the course of a year. Did I see any improvement? No. Did it continue to thin? Yes. 3 months ago I decided to take the plunge and get myself on finasteride. The only side effect I've had is watery semen but who gives a **** about the consistency of your semen. Do girls go around judging a guy on how thick their semen is? No, but they are more likely to judge guys by the amount of hair on their head, especially girls our age.

Yes minoxidil is not a permanent solution but who the hell said it was. There is no drug or 'herbal' treatment whose effects last long after you stop using them, you have to use them consistently.

Also it was quite hard for me to believe that you're just 19. Your frontal hairloss looks very advanced, but luckily your sides are very much thick. However, as you said that this hairloss has been happening over a short period you might see yourself in a worse condition very soon so if you wanna do something about this, it may be time for you to consider the big three but by all means carry on with your alternative treatments with them, you seem to trust them very much so it may be better for your psyche to carry on.

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No that doesn't work since the DHT comes from the inside. Go with finasteride 1mg daily, 5% minoxidil 2x a day and wash your hair with Nizoral shampoo. That's called the Big Three and it will give most people the best results with a minimal chance of sides..
Well if you can get finasteride to enter the scalp directly it may have the same effect as oral finasteride, it'll block the 5ar enzyme, just minus the amount of systemic side effects. The problem is making sure that all the finasteride is able to enter the scalp properly but there have been people who have shown improvement with topical finasteride. This is the same principle with topical spirolactone. However, topical finasteride seems much more expensive than oral finasteride and seems like a greater hassle. Also, I personally don't know if it reacts with topical minoxidil so that's something I'd be worried about.


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Well if you can get finasteride to enter the scalp directly it may have the same effect as oral finasteride, it'll block the 5ar enzyme, just minus the amount of systemic side effects. The problem is making sure that all the finasteride is able to enter the scalp properly but there have been people who have shown improvement with topical finasteride. This is the same principle with topical spirolactone. However, topical finasteride seems much more expensive than oral finasteride and seems like a greater hassle. Also, I personally don't know if it reacts with topical minoxidil so that's something I'd be worried about.

Yeah you're right, I didn't really made my point there, but I tried to say the same as you did :)


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Thank you all.
I'm on finasteride for 4 days now, no side effects yet.
However I bought finasteride 5mg and I cut them into small pieces.
1 pill into fours = 5/4 = ~1.25
and then this 1.25 to half = ~0625g (approximately). I don't use any pill cutter.
No sides effect so far
I'm waiting my rogaine foam to arrive

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6-11-2013 г- 12-17-56.jpgIMG_0121.jpg Some pics from today. I'm still able to cover the spots, where the hair is thinning. Оn the top of my hair I have a spot, but that's just a scar. I hope that this treatment will work for me.

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Do you have any advices? :)