19 Yr Old Male | Is This A Receding Hairline? Will It Continue?


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Here are some pictures. I grew my hair out long (just above shoulders) and kept it in a ponytail most of the time about 4 months ago and noticed it had thinned at the temples some after I cut it. My dad has male pattern baldness and my grandpa on my mom's side also has thinning but my dads dad has a full head of hair. Should I worry?
Also: in two of these photos I am pulling the hair back. And it is in very bright light, which may make it look thinner.


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Yes, it's thinning all over. Definitely male pattern baldness. Get it checked out soon if want to save it


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Does anyone think I pull off a shaved head or a very close buzz?


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balding, son.

Finasteride, and ride it out.

First step is acceptance. Second is medicating!


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You have a very advancing balding, mate...

Calculate risks and try finasteride. It is the only chance for you to save hair.


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Hair is thinning yeah. I think you might pull off a buzzcut yes, if thats a more viable solution for you.


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I don't understand how you just now realized that you're balding. You're a Norwood 3.


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Yeah finasteride is your only option honestly. Once you get older like 22 or so if nothing better exists I would switch to dutasteride if you can afford it. male pattern baldness has it in for you


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Please get on finasteride & minoxidil man. If you need help about where to get the medication for cheap let us know.


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Yeah I don't know where to get those medicines at all right now... unfortunately I don't have health insurance right now. Are there any cheap options I could try? What's my most viable option?


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Also I agree that I'm probably heading for a Norwood 3. Which honestly doesn't scare me that much. I would like to avoid the possible side effects of propecia. And I look better with short hair anyway.


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You're not heading there, you're already there. If you don't care about you hair then no big deal. Being NW3 at your age, it's my my guess is that you'll go completely bald workout Propecia, and probably by the time you're 30.


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I don't understand how you just now realized that you're balding. You're a Norwood 3.

I didn't realize I was balding until I was a Norwood 2.5. I had long hair and it never really occurred to me that having to part to a different side was because of recession. Maybe I was trying to feign ignorance. But it's possible.

As for OP, you should look into finasteride/dutasteride and use minoxidil. You're only 19 at the moment so there's a chance you'll get some decent regrowth on finasteride, and with minoxidil as well you could come back to a Norwood 2 most likely, or even better depending on how you respond to the treatments.

I understand you have like no healthcare but if you get a prescription for finasteride the no name brand it should only run you around $25 a month. But this may vary based on where you live or if a doctor will prescribe it to you. As for the fear mongering of it, why not try it and give it a shot there's a good chance you'd be with the majority that doesn't receive side effects; and if you do discontinue and you'll be fine.
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Sorry to double post.

OP, you should consider a shorter hairstyle as well, the shorter it is the better it tends to look with thin hair, as well as recession. I know you said you look better with short hair so do it. I'm glad you have the confidence, as well as self-esteem to accept what stage you're at. It's something a lot of people who suffer from early hair loss don't have; Myself included. I wish you the best and good luck.


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Sorry to double post.

OP, you should consider a shorter hairstyle as well, the shorter it is the better it tends to look with thin hair, as well as recession. I know you said you look better with short hair so do it. I'm glad you have the confidence, as well as self-esteem to accept what stage you're at. It's something a lot of people who suffer from early hair loss don't have; Myself included. I wish you the best and good luck.
Thanks man. Yeah I'm really not that worried about it. I have a lot going for me haha so I can get past losing my hair whether it happens or not. I'm an aspiring actor actually going to school right now for training though haha, so looks are of concern to me, but I can still look my best without a terrific do, haha.


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Thanks man. Yeah I'm really not that worried about it. I have a lot going for me haha so I can get past losing my hair whether it happens or not. I'm an aspiring actor actually going to school right now for training though haha, so looks are of concern to me, but I can still look my best without a terrific do, haha.

No doubt, everyone cares about their appearance to a certain extent, but I'm glad to hear you have a lot going for you. I personally recommend giving the options a shot, but that is your call. Just talk to your doctor about it if you do want to consider it, ask him about the chance of side effects, what the most common ones are etc.

Self-research is good in all, but make sure the sources are 100% legit and accurate which can be hard. But yah I think you got a good face going on for you so once again wish you the best and good luck with schooling.


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You could definitely pull off being bald, and it might slow down for a few years (though given your age, that won't mean much). As long as you're fine with it, than that is all that matters.

And you're not balding in the back, just a cowlick.