19 years old receding and thinning [pics inside]


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Hi there. Well about 4 years ago I first started noticing that more hairs were coming out then normal. My pillow and hat were covered in them. Since then my hair has slowly but surely started to recede and thin around the temples and crown. None of my relatives have gone bald but two of my uncles on my mothers side have a signs of male pattern baldness. One has a Norwood 2.5 with slight crown thinning and the other has a strong nw3 with which has pretty much stayed that way since their 20’s. (they are 50 now) I guess I got this from their genes.
I have always had fine hair. I remember people at school telling me that I will go bald because of this, even though at the time I had a full head of hair. I guess their predictions were true.

I am desperate to get on propecia asap as currently it seems to be the only real hope of maintaining my hair, but I am extremely cautious of the drug as I read that it can trigger gyno. I know the chances of gyno are slim but the fact that I already have it pretty much means it will probably get worse, which is even more debilitating than hairloss. Btw the gyno is not weight related as I am not fat.

I don’t know what happened to me but as soon as I hit 15 as sorts of weird crap happened. I had scarlet fever which led to a severe reoccurring bone infection followed by appendicitis followed by gyno and hairloss and sh*t loads of body hair! I don’t know if any of this prematurely triggered the hair loss or not though.

Here are some other non-genetic factors that could be speeding up my hairloss.

-Low ferretin levels (the doctors have yet to find out why my iron stores keep depleting because my diet is good)
-Poor hair condition. (due to my hair being thin and curly and my overly sensitive scalp I rarely brush my hair. I also stopped using conditioner because of the mass of hair that would fall out)

Anyway here are some pics of my hairline. As you can see it has receded quite a bit for my age and you can see the path it wants to take with all the thinning spots. My crown is thinning too but I’d rather not see it as my mind is already preoccupied enough with the front hair loss.



Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m really stuck on what I should do due to this shitty gyno problem.:punk:


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it looks pretty similar to how mine is now,you say that you have not really go strong male pattern baldness genes then that is a hope ,however if you have diffuse all over it is a worry and given your young age,do not know what to advise other than get on propecA AND minoxidil AND HOPE FOR THE BEST DO NOT Start with avodart


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Yeah I want to get on propecia, but I am afraid it will make my existing gynecomastia worse. What is the next best thing to propecia that will maintain my hair?


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jkjkjkjk said:
Yeah I want to get on propecia, but I am afraid it will make my existing gynecomastia worse. What is the next best thing to propecia that will maintain my hair?



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Yeah I guess that is my next best bet. But has anyone here had substantial results from minoxidil alone? I always thought that for it to work effectively it needs propecia to fix the new hair. But I guess its better than doing nothing.


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Dude if you're serious about stopping hairloss and your hair is important to you (which it obviously is) then gyno is still a small price to pay for having a full head of hair. Gyno can be corrected surgically if worse comes to worse. Id rather do that, than get a hair transplant. For a 19 year old your hair has receaded quite a lot. The outlook may not be good unless you act now. So get onto propecia now before its to late. In 5 years some other options should be available to you like hair multiplication (which is what we are all waiting for). Until then help combat the gyno with the gym and surgery if you need it. Id rather have my hair. Alot easier to hide man boobs under a baggy shirt than to hide a thinning scalp.


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metalheaddude said:
Dude if you're serious about stopping hairloss and your hair is important to you (which it obviously is) then gyno is still a small price to pay for having a full head of hair. Gyno can be corrected surgically if worse comes to worse. Id rather do that, than get a hair transplant. For a 19 year old your hair has receaded quite a lot. The outlook may not be good unless you act now. So get onto propecia now before its to late. In 5 years some other options should be available to you like hair multiplication (which is what we are all waiting for). Until then help combat the gyno with the gym and surgery if you need it. Id rather have my hair. Alot easier to hide man boobs under a baggy shirt than to hide a thinning scalp.

you can easily said that because you dont have gyno dude.


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metalheaddude said:
Dude if you're serious about stopping hairloss and your hair is important to you (which it obviously is) then gyno is still a small price to pay for having a full head of hair. Gyno can be corrected surgically if worse comes to worse. Id rather do that, than get a hair transplant. For a 19 year old your hair has receaded quite a lot. The outlook may not be good unless you act now. So get onto propecia now before its to late. In 5 years some other options should be available to you like hair multiplication (which is what we are all waiting for). Until then help combat the gyno with the gym and surgery if you need it. Id rather have my hair. Alot easier to hide man boobs under a baggy shirt than to hide a thinning scalp.
Excersize doesn't make much difference. I'm pretty slim atm anyway.

I see what you are saying but if you look at pics of how bad gyno can you'll see that its a lot more embarassing than hairloss. I can think of anything more embarassing then having a pair of breasts! I'll look into surgery as an option but the operations come under cosmetic surgery and I can't really afford to splash out a few grand on it.


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Well I can safely assure you I have gyno and it hasnt gotten worse nor have I had any side effects.


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Metalheaddude, nice display pic! :punk: