19 years old, losing hair.


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Hey everybody. My father is bald, his father is bald and so on, so I always knew this would hit me at some point. My dad went bald at about 25 and now I'm really seeing the effects too, my temples has receded a lot in the last few months and now I fear my crown is too. I am panicking a lot more than I should be and it lead my to buying 20 pounds worth of stuff that is likely to be snake oil in the vain attempt to do something. This is manifesting itself inside my head and is making it difficult for me to concentrate and be happy. I was keen to start finasteride but I've just looked at post finasteride syndrome and I don't want to ruin my life just for the sake of my hair. I think I will ring my doctors tomorrow and book an appointment because I really don't know what to do.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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If you're worried, start finasteride and Nizoral (or any keto shampoo) as soon as possible. I know the side effects are scary when it comes to finasteride, but most people don't have any sides. If you monitor yourself and drop it in the event any sides occur, the risk is extremely low.

I'd hold off on start minoxidil for the moment. Given your age and the fact that your hair loss started a few months ago, you might not need it.


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If you're worried, start finasteride and Nizoral (or any keto shampoo) as soon as possible. I know the side effects are scary when it comes to finasteride, but most people don't have any sides. If you monitor yourself and drop it in the event any sides occur, the risk is extremely low.

I'd hold off on start minoxidil for the moment. Given your age and the fact that your hair loss started a few months ago, you might not need it.

Thanks for the advice, I've really struggled without someone to talk to which sounds so pathetic over something so trivial. Do you think I should talk to my dad about it at all, although I realise this question is quite personal.


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How would your Dad respond? Having gone through hair loss he might be sympathetic, or he might discount your feelings saying it's not so bad. You'd be the best person to judge whether or not he would be a good person to talk to about it.


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How would your Dad respond? Having gone through hair loss he might be sympathetic, or he might discount your feelings saying it's not so bad. You'd be the best person to judge whether or not he would be a good person to talk to about it.

Yes that's what I was thinking, I think I will speak to my mum instead because I really don't want to take anything without her knowing.


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Post a photo and you will get an objective opinion.

I don't know what a photo will prove, I have male pattern baldness and I always knew I would get it, there was no avoiding it.

Not the clearest pictures in the world but if it's what the people want...


  • hair.jpg
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Da Crow

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Crown is fine, hairline just starting to thin on the sides it appears.

Get on DHT inhibitor and minoxidil now, and you will maintain for years or regrow everything.

Type in DHT on amazon if finasteride doesn't suit you.


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Crown is fine, hairline just starting to thin on the sides it appears.

Get on DHT inhibitor and minoxidil now, and you will maintain for years or regrow everything.

Type in DHT on amazon if finasteride doesn't suit you.

Thanks, problem is though my funds aren't brilliant, being a student and all. I've booked an appointment with my GP now anyway so I'll see what he says.


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Okay well my GP said nothing will help my hair, there are some drugs that might slow the process down a little but they're riddled with side effects. He recommended counseling damn it. What should I do now because I really do want to try finasteride but he will never prescribe it to me.

Da Crow

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Inhousepharmacy.biz or other various distributors sell generic forms of finasteride, they work the same but you save a lot of change. Oh and no prescription required of course


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Your GP is a ****ing retard. Find a better one. My GP had never even heard of propecia being used to treat hair loss ffs....


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Thanks for the website, think I might see another GP when I go home in about a month, if that doesn't work out would you recommend buying the 5mg and the pill cutter and then just cut them into quarters? Or I could buy the 1mg and cut them into halves right, since my hair isn't too bad yet?


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My GP wouldn't prescribe me proscar, so I went to a hairloss surgeon instead and he gave me a 1 year prescription. GP's know less than nothing about hairloss. Just hearing your story makes me angry... ****ing councilling? Nothing will help? Riddled with side effects? Finasteride is FDA approved for hairloss FFS. What a ****ing moron! A good doctor who actually did some ****ing research and kept on top of advances in hair loss treatment would give you the drug and ask you to check back in regularly for check ups/monitoring to ensure you aren't suffering from any sides. The amount of people GP's could, but don't help with hairloss is probably staggering. It's a huge huge shame...


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Yes, the whole counseling thing did annoy me. Would you recommend I go see another GP in about a months time or just buy some straight from the website Da Crow posted? Is it cheaper if you get a prescription and go to a pharmacy?


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Just buy online imo, don't delay your treatment. In the meantime, try to find a better GP, or find a hairloss surgeon/transplant surgeon, they will certainly prescribe you with finasteride.


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Thanks a lot mate, you've been most helpful. I'll be sure to post on here how I get along.

- - - Updated - - -

Right, so looking at Inhousepharmacy.biz, it says because I live in the U.K I'm going to have to pay a handling charge which I think they say is 8 pounds. So the total cost will be the 20 euros for the pills plus the 8 pounds I'll have to pay upon collecting it?


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Any help regarding my last post gents?

Decided I'm going to see another GP although it won't be for a couple of weeks. What do you think the best tactic is in order to get a prescription, should I straight up tell him I want one or wait to see if he suggests it? I did the latter last time and I didn't work although I doubt the first option would have worked with him either.