19 years old - cause for concern?


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Hello all. I noticed a bald spot at the top of my head (crown) after being told by a friend that I had a bald spot there. What do you know? I'm also receding at the front of my hairline, especially on the left side but it's going back a bit on the right too. That isn't a huge concern for me since it isn't noticeable with the way I style my hair but growing some hair back there would be great. The thing I'm really concerned about is the spot on my head which is noticeable and I'm getting very self-conscious about it. It appears to me like an early onset of crown balding, perhaps you could tell by the pictures below. I've also read about a chilling, kind of electric feeling over the top of my head that I have occasionally experienced, but only very recently. What is it, stress? DHT?

I was planning on going to the dermatologist so he could diagnose me and get me on finasteride, but maybe you guys could do it better. What I want to do is absolutely regrow the bald spot on my crown area and possibly some of my hairline that has receded in the front (not necessarily with minoxidil), and slow the progress of male pattern baldness (I am slightly apprehensive about taking finasteride, is it the only way?) How are the therapy sprays, day creams, and the lasercomb for regrowth/delaying male pattern baldness? Do I have to use them forever as with minoxidil? In that case, would the lasercomb be the best option? CB/RU?



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Hey man.

I'm not so sure looking at your pictures. Sure, it's likely you'll experience MBP at some point, pretty much everyone experiences changes to their hair as they age. How does your hair look when it's wet? Do you see tons of scalp? How about in hard light? From your pictures it looks pretty natural, it's just the swirly part of the hair where hair doesn't grow. Temple recession is also pretty normal for most people. It doesn't mean they're going bald.

With that being said, again, there's still a chance that it IS MBP. If it's MBP, then it's DHT. DHT is destroying the follicles. Tell us about the men in your family and what their hair looks like. For me, my hairloss is looking EXACTLY like the one my dad has.

I'm not sure what the chilling, electric feeling is, but if that's something legitimate that people experience before they get full blown MBP, then it might be something. That might just be your paranoia.

If you can go see a dermatologist, DO IT. They will look at it better and will give you a more accurate answer.

The best way currently is to get on the big 3. Finasteride, Nizoral, and Minoxidil. Yeah, it sucks, but finasteride is the best way. If it's of any comfort, I was scared for my life before starting finasteride, but I'm a 1.5 months into it, and I'm doing just fine. No sides whatsoever.

I cannot speak to the other creams and combs. I just know that the big 3, as it stands, is the best way to fight back MBP.


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My dad's hairloss is earily similar. A spot on his crown, very thin hair, and the front of his hairline goes way back. Maybe you can tell better with these pictures. With wet hair, I think it sticks out even more. There's definitely a spot there, and being told I had a bald spot makes it even worse and makes me feel like anyone can see it if they are behind me. It even feels thin there, but of course that could be my imagination. I think I need to do something about it before it gets worse.
