19 Years old- Big 3+


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Let me preface by saying I am not a troll, and i'm genuinely worried about losing my hair. Long story short, I've been pretty paranoid about my hairline for the past year and have been on the big 3 for almost as long. I'm actually pretty conflicted at this point, I mean some days it's no big deal but others I think about it a lot. I've been taking pictures of it at least once a week and I'll post the photos. Current regimen includes: spironolactone 5% ED, RegenePure DR ED, 1mg Finasteride ED, 5% minoxidil 2x ED, and Emu oil twice a day. Around January I ran out of Finasteride 3 months in, and had to stop for two weeks, which may or may not have affected my hairline. I saw a reputable transplant surgeon who classified me as a NW2 and I proceeded to get my Finasteride through him. Through the whole treatment, I've had a tingle in my left temple that some days I swear drives me mental, i'm aware of what causes it but I would really like it to go away; any suggestions are welcome. Thanks

Photo on 2014-01-05 at 6.08 PM.jpg
Photo on 2014-04-26 at 3.41 AM #2.jpgPhoto on 2014-04-26 at 3.41 AM #3.jpg
Photo on 2014-05-21 at 4.04 PM #2.jpg
^May- Left
Photo on 2014-05-21 at 4.04 PM #3.jpg
Photo on 2014-05-21 at 4.04 PM.jpgPhoto on 2014-05-21 at 4.05 PM.jpg


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Shaved head to a #1 last night


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Just finished another 3 months on finasteride for a total of 6 months, pretty sure i'm going through a shed right now but i'm trying to stay optimistic. These pics are in better light, and the inflammation on the left temple seems to be back with vengeance; any suggestions? I'm using Emu oil 3x a day to try and combat it.
Photo on 2014-05-28 at 10.48 PM #4.jpgPhoto on 2014-05-28 at 10.48 PM.jpgPhoto on 2014-05-28 at 10.49 PM #3.jpg


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Wtf is going on? That's not NW2, but NW0.

I caught it really early man, started finasteride and minoxidil and it seems to be holding up. I'm just trying to keep track of my progress and make sure guys who are in similar situations as I am see that Finasteride is not in fact as dangerous as some make it seem. My father, his brother, and my grandfather are all >NW5 and if I didn't do anything about it at the first signs of thinning i'd be well on my way there. I'll take your reply as a compliment but I am genuinely worried about my hairline, to the point where a psychiatrist would label it BDD, but I guess that's up for debate. Like I said in my original post; i'm not trying to offend anyone, but instead spread awareness that there are ways to hold on to what you have.


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Photo on 2014-06-07 at 2.31 PM #2.jpgPhoto on 2014-06-07 at 2.31 PM.jpgPhoto on 2014-06-07 at 2.32 PM #2.jpgPhoto on 2014-06-07 at 2.32 PM.jpg
It's been about 7 months since I first started using the big 3 and I really don't know if it's working or not. In the second photo I posted, I highlighted a problem area on the left temple which seems to be progressing further, while my temple seems to be okay.


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People think you have a perfect hairline. I have a friend like you, he has some temple recessions but it suits him very well. A guy with your headshape could easily even pull off full bald. But I get it, the temples aren't perfect, you hairline isnt totally straight like you may want. I think it looks perfectly fine for YOUR head and shape. If I was in your situation, I'd take finasteride to stop that temple from progressing and then go on with life stress free...maybe check back on it every few months just to make sure it doesnt get worse.


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Digidako, from the pics you posted up I'm sure a lot of us wish we started earlier. My friend told me he was taking Propecia years ago but I was always worried of side effects and taking it when I wasn't losing hair at all. I just started Propecia this month and hair is shedding like crazy after a week. I can totally feel you about feeling self conscious about your front hairline. Some days you looks in the mirror and wonder if it's getting any worse.

What is spironolactone and for the minoxidil do you apply it on your whole head? I use Rogaine foam but only apply it near my whorl every night.


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I also believe there is some balding going on here, though the design of your hairline seems fine.

Try to keep it this way or save for a hair transplant in the future