19 year old with a little hair loss


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Hi folks,

Around March of 2015 when I was 18 at the time, I noticed a little hair loss at my left temple. So far it has progressed a little further but only on the left, no where else, that is noticeable anyways. I tried pura d'or hair loss shampoo but all that seemed to do was give me dandruff. Hopefully I can get some opinions from you guys on what I should do to stop the hair loss, or maybe even grow some back. I know it's not a lot of loss so far, but I am only 19 years old and don't want to be bald by the time I'm 30. All I am taking currently is Biotin, i've been considering trying rogaine, but I'm not sure, any opinions appreciated. 12081600_1002170813138467_309418794_n.jpghair 1.jpghair front.jpghair right tempe.jpg


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Grow some back? lol... Your hairloss isn't the least bit noticeable. You're still a NW1. You're at the "relax and continue to observe" stage. If it gets worse it may be time for finasteride or minoxidil. Otherwise I wouldn't stress about it. Of course you don't wait until you're a NW3 or beyond but don't lose too much sleep considering you're aware of it.


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Yeah I pretty much agree. Keep an eye on it, take pictures every now and then. Don't focus on it too much, its way to early to tell what's going to happen. For a bit of peace of mind/ preventative action you should buy a ketoconazole shampoo. No side effects, kills dandruff and has been clinically proven to help slow hair loss. I Recommend nizoral 2% (ketoconazole %) once a week, you could also use the 1%. Regenpure also has a good keto based shampoo. Read online /follow directions on the bottle if you go for nizoral though as incorrect usage can actually be pretty tough on your hair.

But yeah: Relax, your in good standing. I think your just getting a mature hairline.


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Dont worry about it much. Focus on your diet. Try eating healthy and drinking loads of water. Your hairline is pretty much normal


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Wow man, your hairline is great, wish mine looked like that. I'm the same age as you and mine looks much worse unfortunately. :/ I'm gonna start finasteride and minoxidil really soon.


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Keep an eye on it. Go on minoxidil if you are really that concerned--temporal hair loss is normal during and after puberty. It's HOW MUCH you lose that determines whether or not you have premature Androgenetic Alopecia. I definitely see some miniaturization on your temples and hairline--I had the same symptoms as you albeit at a younger age (16). Since then, my hairline and temples have receded a full cm and recently my anteriors are beginning to progressively thin. Does this mean you will continue to lose hair? We don't know, but at this stage it is critical to keep an eye it. I didn't and 4 years of denial cost me my most of my hairline; fortunately I am lucky that my hair loss was gradual and on the front rather than diffuse thinning.

I would definitely get minoxidil; you don't have to use it right away, but in the event that you do notice progressive thinning it would be nice to already have minoxidil in your cabinet.