19 Year Old Aggressive Hairloss, Need Help


My Regimen
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Hi everyone I am new to this forum
My hair started receeding when i was 17 I remember noticidng first signs of it in summer 2015, I didnt really care much about it at the start. My hair always used to be full and thick. The dht really kicked in about a year ago (start of 2016) and thats when I started doing something about it, got finasteride I was taking it for 3 months with no significant results, added minoxidil and went through a massive shed, it scared the sh*t out of me so I stopped minoxidil but kept taking finasteride however after like 5 months on it I stopped taking it because I read a lot of sh*t on the internet about sides and I didnt really see any results form it. Since July 2016 I wasnt doing anything with my hairloss.
It kept getting worse and in January 2017 I started taking finasteride again + biotin,zinc etc. Also every 3rd day started putting saw palmetto+emu oil on my head and I would keep it for the night and wash my hair in the morning.
5of March I got CB 03-01, mix it with garnier stemoxidine and I apply 1ml of the mixture on to my hairline ever night.

My hopes were really high when I startet this regimen however all I see so far is more hair disepearing at the hairline, my hair is still thick but the hairline is still badly receeding, I can honestly say that the hairloss got worse since I started this regime. I am not sure if its shedding because I am loosing approximatly the same amount of hair as I was before).I have read that for some people finasteride works the other way around and boosts hairloss instead of actually stopping it.Has this happened to anyone?)

It makes me feel sad because I know I have to do something to keep my hair but when I do it gets worse and I dont see any improvement, I know that I am on fina 3months and 1mnth on cb and that might be not enough time to see progres but I didnt expect my hair to get so bad when on this.

I am thinking to stay on this for 6 months and then replacing finasteride with dutasteride + plus maybe cb with ru, but I am really not sure to be honest :/

Have lots of doubts and not really sure what to do... Wheter to continue or change it around..

Any toughts form you guys?

2 of the photos below are January 2017 before starting the regimen and the other 2 are today, you can see it has gotten much worse since January


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My Regimen
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You didn't even give yourself a chance to see positive results quitting finasteride and minoxidil so early.


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Hi dude i am 19 too (almost 20 ). Been on propecia 4 months and my temples and hairline is going to sh*t. It looks much worse off. I have before and after pics on a thread in general discussion if you wanna check it out. Anyway you seem to have had absolutely no luck with treatments :( ( i am the same). Its odd because we have the same pattern ( mine isnt as bad but not far off it! ) but your hair is much thicker than mine so thats a plus on your end. You could try RU? Let me know how that would go :). I honestly think theres no point in dutasteride. If finasteride is making your loss worse then dutasteride would be 100x worse. The only peace of mind i can give you is oral spironolactone at 200mg a day. This will probably give you growth at a ghastly price. Hair with man boobs or bald with no man boobs. There does seem to be a silver lining ive read quite a few stories of guys our age using it and they have tremendous results ( with little to no sides, except minor gyno which went away ). I too will probably take that path but not until ive exhausted every other option and literally nothings worked. Good luck man i know how it feels being so young and so bald :/
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My Regimen
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Hi dude i am 19 too (almost 20 ). Been on propecia 4 months and my temples and hairline is going to sh*t. It looks much worse off. I have before and after pics on a thread in general discussion if you wanna check it out. Anyway you seem to have had absolutely no luck with treatments :( ( i am the same). Its odd because we have the same pattern ( mine isnt as bad but not far off it! ) but your hair is much thicker than mine so thats a plus on your end. You could try RU? Let me know how that would go :). I honestly think theres no point in dutasteride. If finasteride is making your loss worse then dutasteride would be 100x worse. The only peace of mind i can give you is oral spironolactone at 200mg a day. This will probably give you growth at a ghastly price. Hair with man boobs or bald with no man boobs. There does seem to be a silver lining ive read quite a few stories of guys our age using it and they have tremendous results ( with little to no sides, except minor gyno which went away ). I too will probably take that path but not until ive exhausted every other option and literally nothings worked. Good luck man i know how it feels being so young and so bald :/

cb is suppose to work the same way as ru with less or no sides and I really had my hopes high when starting it, I really dont know man maybe for some people it get worse at the begining and then improves?... :/ or maybe for us finasteride it is doing the exact opposite
I am going to find something that will help my hair, i dont know much about spironolactone but if nothing else work I sure will consider it.
best of luck to u


My Regimen
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Is there anyone that went through a massive deterioration after being on finasteride? :/


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Is there anyone that went through a massive deterioration after being on finasteride? :/

I currently am. Although i think im gonna order some spironolactone tomorrow to keep just incase i need it.. i dont have the luxury of your thick hair and i really cant afford to lose much more or it will be obvious :( feels bad man.You can get a topical with little to no chance of sides called S5 cream HairLossTalk.com sells it right here and we get a discount for being members :D haha. I use it with a derma roller but it certainly wont hurt your hair since it addresses testosterone, Its the only thing im comfortable with in my regime

Best of luck mate!


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My Regimen
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Is there anyone that went through a massive deterioration after being on finasteride? :/
Yes I did, but I don't know if my loss was a result of finasteride. I started finasteride at 20 years old. Had similar density to yours, NW2 hairline. Been on finasteride nearly 3 years, and hair has gotten really bad since (heavy diffuse, and hairline recession now). Stuff doesn't work for everyone. You definitely have not waited long enough to see if it works for you. I wouldn't go off it as your hairline recession is pretty bad at your age, and you will continue to lose hair if you are not on a 5ar inhibitor.

I am most likely switching to dutasteride soon. You could as well, but more risks involved.


My Regimen
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Maybe at the start it gets worse but then after some decent time of taking the tablet it will work??


My Regimen
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Yes I did, but I don't know if my loss was a result of finasteride. I started finasteride at 20 years old. Had similar density to yours, NW2 hairline. Been on finasteride nearly 3 years, and hair has gotten really bad since (heavy diffuse, and hairline recession now). Stuff doesn't work for everyone. You definitely have not waited long enough to see if it works for you. I wouldn't go off it as your hairline recession is pretty bad at your age, and you will continue to lose hair if you are not on a 5ar inhibitor.

I am most likely switching to dutasteride soon. You could as well, but more risks involved.

Why were you on it for so long if it wasnt working? 3 years is a hell lot of time..
you should probably have switched to dutasteride after like 1 year. Thats what im going to do if finasteride dosent help me


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My Regimen
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Why were you on it for so long if it wasnt working? 3 years is a hell lot of time..
you should probably have switched to dutasteride after like 1 year. Thats what im going to do if finasteride dosent help me
It is possible it was slowing down my hair loss, so I wasn't going to risk going off it then losing even more hair. And dutasteride is kind of a huge gamble. There is a higher chance of persistent side effects, and I have heard stories of people losing even more ground on dutasteride, after finasteride failed them. Dutasteride significantly increases scalp testosterone levels, and I think testosterone is a big factor in hair loss for some people. And I am afraid I may be one of those people. Either way, my hair keeps getting worse, so I may as well take the risk and see what happens.