19 y/o thinning


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I'm 19 years old and was wondering if I could get some second opinions. Some background: for the past few months I've had a terrible diet since I am in college and definately don't get the nutrients I need to be healthy. Moreover, this past semester I drank frequently and although my thinning may be attributed to that I rather not take any risks. I've always had relatively thin hair and the parting could be caused by me changing my hairstyle(recently I've been rocking mad flow). This could be a sign of early female pattern baldness( I'm not losing any hair around my temples or crown, just general thinning over the top of my scalp) but I'm not entirely sure. My mothers side of the family has always had generally thin hair and the only bald people in my family are my uncles from both sides of the family. My dad still has his hair and a good hairline but generally thin all over( could possibly be bald in several years). So what do you guys think of it? Also, recently I started to correct my diet and started to use nizoral 2%. How long will it take to notice any change? and also do you guys recommend i start using something else?


  • Photo on 2014-01-02 at 7.28 PM.jpg
    Photo on 2014-01-02 at 7.28 PM.jpg
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So I noticed noone really replied to my post but I'd still like to share my progress. I have been using nizoral 2% for a few months now and also taking multivitamins and omega pills. Somewhat difficult to pin point my progress. A few months ago i noticed a bit of recession on the left side of my temple and I visited the derm and he told me that im balding. In my opinion he seemed inexperienced in this field because he never even conducted any tests and never even asked for my bloodwork and wanted to get my on propecia at 19. I didn't take his advice and continued taking my regimen which changes consistently. I was using rosemary oil for some time, some pills called revalid, and some kind of solution with a bunch of nutrients and other stuff and applied it topically. So far I have noticed that my hair in general is in better shape ( slightly thicker). I still have parting but its less evident. I feel like I might have some regrowth on my temple region but im not sure yet. I just started using saw palmetto extract and applying it topically. Ill keep you gusy posted.
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Looking forward

So I noticed noone really replied to my post but I'd still like to share my progress. I have been using nizoral 2% for a few months now and also taking multivitamins and omega pills. Somewhat difficult to pin point my progress. A few months ago i noticed a bit of recession on the left side of my temple and I visited the derm and he told me that im balding. In my opinion he seemed inexperienced in this field because he never even conducted any tests and never even asked for my bloodwork and wanted to get my on propecia at 19. I didn't take his advice and continued taking my regimen which changes consistently. I was using rosemary oil for some time, some pills called revalid, and some kind of solution with a bunch of nutrients and other stuff and applied it topically. So far I have noticed that my hair in general is in better shape ( slightly thicker). I still have parting but its less evident. I feel like I might have some regrowth on my temple region but im not sure yet. I just started using saw palmetto extract and applying it topically. Ill keep you gusy posted.

I'm young and balding too, with the same pattern as you, thinning all over the top..

Looking forward to see your results, I don't want to get on finasteride either because of my age.


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So I've been using saw palmetto for almost a month now and recently added red ginseng into my diet. So far results seem to be better. I feel like i got slight regrowth in the temple region. I will have to take a break from saw palmetto because it seems as though there are some sexual side affects.Specifically, i have experienced a mild form of ED. I will continue using my old regimine and keep you guys posted.


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Hi Mike, it's difficult to tell from your picture above and with no other pictures to compare, but it does seem like you are thinning at the crown. As many people here say, there is nothing as strong as the Big 3 when it comes to tackling male pattern baldness. However going on finasteride is a very personal choice and one you have to take very seriously. You are perhaps too young to go on finasteride, but again that is something to discuss with a GP. One thing is certain though, you won't see many results if you keep chopping and changing your regimen!

All the best and please keep us posted!


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Thanks for the reply. I am not changing my regimine per say, I just keep adding things onto it/

- - - Updated - - -

As for the progress photos, I will update you guys with some pictures hopefully in a couple of months so you guys can see my progress. However,considering how sensitive I am to anti-androgens, I dont think I will jump on propecia unless I become desperate. My money is banking on a treatment that will hopefully come into the market in a couple of years.