19 and extreme hairloss


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I have been experiencing hairloss since I was about 15. I started minoxidil at 16 and and hair seemed to stay relatively stable. I then started finasteride at 18 and quit minoxidil because it had gotten slightly worse and I didn’t know if minoxidil was working. At that point my thinning went crazy and over about a year went to almost nothing but some wispy worthless crap. I gave up and quit everything for a while. Buzzed my hair and then... started oral finasteride and topical minoxidil and finasteride. Over about 8 months my hair grew back almost fully and was thick and slightly curly like before hairloss. And then... about a month ago I started noticing excessive shedding and here I am with extreme diffuse thinning. The last pic I uploaded is less than two months ago. And advice? Is this just male pattern baldness or telogen effluvium or??? Also notice in the second pic all the short dark hairs growing along hairline and below. Is that normal if this is just male pattern baldness?