18 Years old Terrible Hair loss [Photos]


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I am only 18 years old and i have a terible hair loss when i wash
Sorry for my bad english,can someone help me what to do to stop hair loss and to regrow my hair in fron area again

Look my photos

Give me some advice cuz i am very confused for my hair loss :S


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Looks like good oul' fashion, male pattern baldness. It could stay like that for years before progressing, but if I were you, I'd be looking at starting finasteride and/or minoxidil. At the very least, buy some Nizoral 2% shampoo and use it 2-3 times a week before you contemplate your next move.

Good luck!!


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Looks like good oul' fashion, male pattern baldness. It could stay like that for years before progressing, but if I were you, I'd be looking at starting finasteride and/or minoxidil. At the very least, buy some Nizoral 2% shampoo and use it 2-3 times a week before you contemplate your next move.

Good luck!!

I have read on internet about Finsateride,that can have side effects and i dont want to use :S

But minoxidil 2 or 5% to use?
And nizoral shampoo i havent find in my city :/ in kosova (albanian)

Ando also few months ago i have use alpecin caffeine shampoo c1 almost everyday but i haven't seen any good effects :S he haven;t save my hair


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I am experiencing the same hair pattern lose as you are. what my current regemin consists of is: Saw palmetto, and rogaine foam. They have done nothing to improve my hair only increased my hair loss. I am about to start using finn because it is the only real treatment that can stop male pattern baldness. BTW My parents are both albanian so you get an idea of where im from. Take a look at my story to see my pictures and the comments people have wrote.


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there are similar shampoos like nizoral. if it contains ketoconazol, then it's good for you. you should try finasteride, if any side effect appears, just drop it away. but give it a try! unfortunately it's the only way to keep what you have. don't hesitate too much, cause you are definitely losing your hair, and it will be so much worse.


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jump on nizoral and finasteride, take photos and forget about it for 4, 5, 6 months. then take more photos and compare. some kind of antiandrogen like finasteride is essential if you want to keep your hair for any length of time. i started it at your age and two and a half years later am totally fine, just with better hair.

good luck.


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Like the guys above me have said, get on the Big 3 and take plenty of pictures to keep yourself accountable (helps to keep up the regimen) and track your progress