18 Years Old, Is My Hairline Receding?

Harold James

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I have always had thin hair, people have made comments about it as long as I can remember. Recently I've been concerned that my hairline may be receding so I'm wondering if it's just all in my head or not. Thanks


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Yes. You just have thin hair that's all. DO NOT HAVE A HAIR TRANSPLANT!!!!!!! I'm not saying that you will but I say this for a reason. I always had a high forehead. At 18 I became concerned about a very slight receding in my temples. So I had two hair transplants to lower my hair line. I am now 50 and for the past 25 years I have been wearing a hair piece to hide the scars! If you are concerned later then start the meds but don't even think of any surgery. All the best.


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Oncall - do not have a hair transplant? Lawl.

No offence buddy, but you had yours what, over 30 years ago? Things have advanced a little since then. I had FUE in August with great results and no scarring.

Not to say its the answer to all troubles but I wouldn't be looking at examples from 3 decades ago to deter you from action in the future.


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Hey pete_love,
No offense taken at all. Yep. 32 years ago to be precise.:rolleyes: I guess what I meant was not to rush into it at such a young age (like I did at 18). I guess if FUE and FUT was around back then I would/should still have waited for another 5 years at least to see what pattern my hair loss was going to take.
I'm not anti hair transplants. It's just that I think that meds should be a first line option. All the best!


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Harold the 'yes' was that I believe (I know) that 'yes,' it's all in your mind. Take away the 'flash' on the camera and don't pull your hair back. You have hair to kill for buddy.
I know you won't be able to see this in the mirror or believe anyone who tells you this. That's how the 'fear of going bald' operates in a guys mind (well it did when I had great hair). It's like a male form of anorexia. To you in the mirror it may appear receding/balding/I'm going to end up balding/I'm going to look like Oncall!!!! Lol. It's horrible bro. I've been through the exact same thing from the age of 18 and by believing the lies I butchered my head. Now go out and get laid man and start a new thread titled, 'I'm 18 and Am I a Father?' Lol!
Kind regards,