18 years old and balding quickly and badly.

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Hi. My name is Mohammed.

When i was 17 , I started losing hair in the shower , I would look at my palm and see hair. But my hairline was fine and hair was think.

Fast forward 5 months, I'm 18 now and my hairline receeded VERY badly, like wow I can't even believe it. It is male pattern baldness cause i went to doctor and everything is fine with me. I shed like at least 300 hair every day. And also my crown hair is also falling out a lot, its also getting thin as hell..

I am active, eat well, sleep well ETC..

It's also happening to my brother, he is 2 years younger than me , and he is receeding and shedding.. my dad is bald, my mom's dad is bald, every one else like my uncles are okay.

One thing i should admit, is that i jack off many times a day ever since i was 15. I jack off 3 -5 times everyday, im super horny all the time, i would **** the ugliest girl on the block.

Should I use minoxidil and propecia now?? Am I too young, If i wait any longer ima be bald as ****.

Only 5 months ago I had thick full hair, now my hair is falling out, I cant even style it anymore. THIS IS SO DEPRESSING , PLEASE HELP, WHAT TO DO??

ps: Don't say stupid **** like " go see a doctor to make sure you dont have a thyroid problem" I have NO problems, im super healhy, only my hair isn't healthy.

i posted pictures, first 2 pics are of my hairline about 6 months ago. Others are my hairline now


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ps: Don't say stupid **** like " go see a doctor to make sure you dont have a thyroid problem" I have NO problems

You seem to have an attitude problem.

You're 18 so you can use finasteride if you want to. The sooner the better.


Established Member
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You seem to have an attitude problem.

You're 18 so you can use finasteride if you want to. The sooner the better.

losing your hair quickly will do that to you.

Your right though, he should check out finasteride and see if it is right for him.
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yeah sorry i kinda do have an attitude problem, im 18 and balding out this sucks. And I made a post like this on a different website, I took the time to write it, then some dumb **** said " go check your thyroid " ...

- And do I have to get a perscription for it? Because I already went to doctors looking for a perscription , they didn't allow me to get a prescpriton , they made me do useless blood tests. Can I get finasteride without perscription? Can I order it from E-bay?


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There are several websites where you can buy it without prescription. however, there is the risk that it might be taken in by customs, depending on where you live.
The best thing you can do is to go to a dermatologist, they are more likely to prescribe, and they often don't mind prescribing 5mg pills, like proscar, which are loooads cheaper than propecia. "Normal " doctors are often ignorant and/or careless when it comes to hairloss. I had to go to the dermatologist to get a prescription.

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If you really want to be proactive, you should also look into minoxidil liquid and/or foam. In most countries, minoxidil does not require a prescription and you can buy it at the pharmacy and order it online. Good luck.
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I went to dermatolagist today, he looked at my hair like a chimp does to another chimp. I told him that I wanted a prescription for propecia, he said that it will permanently damage my sex drive and penis. My face went purple, i love my penis ( no homo) and dont want it to be ruined , its doing good so far, dont want to mess it.

And I wanted to order minoxidil online but since i dont have a credit card, I have to use my dad's, he said "NO!!". He doesn't allow me to buy it cause he doesnt trust e-bay and amazon and all, he doesnt trus giving out his ID card info..

So i'm basically doomed.................................................................................... gonna be bald in like 1 year.

Btw i wanted to ask, will I be able to get my old hairline back ( look at pics) If I start treatment a couple months from now? Cause im moving out, and I will live on my own, so I will buy anything I want. Is it okay to wait a couple more months? And what Norwood scale would you classify me as.



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I cant believe im goign through this.. my family always said that I will never go bald and all that talk. Cause i look like my uncle, and he has hair. this suuucks, im only 18 man this suuuuuuuucks... it suckkkkkks and i dont even look good, so with no hair, i wont get no girls.....


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My Regimen
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Lol that doctor is an idiot. Get your finasteride online without a script


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Stupid doctor. You should have brought some scientific papers and told him to stfu. The sooner you start the better of course, but two months won't change much for most people.


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If your hair loss is as agressive as you say it is, then you need to get on finasteride, RU, or some kind of DHT inhibitor soon. minoxidil alone is enough for some, but not for most. The whole comment about permanent damage to penis and sex drive is just false.


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Luckily your hairline seems to be still in tact. Finasteride should thicken up the thin spots and the rest of your hair.
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really? It will thicken it up? And my hairline doesn't seem to be intact, I guess that picture isn't good, cause in real life, it looks far back, and i have a big forehead, so it's even worse..

Will finasteride ruin my penis or sex drive? and how long before I see results ?


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My Regimen
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really? It will thicken it up? And my hairline doesn't seem to be intact, I guess that picture isn't good, cause in real life, it looks far back, and i have a big forehead, so it's even worse..

Will finasteride ruin my penis or sex drive? and how long before I see results ?

50% will experience noticeable regrowth on finasteride, 80% of the rest will atleast maintain their hair.

Only 2% get sexual sides and the go away when you stop treatment. It will probably take at least 3 months to see results, if you see noticeable regrowth at all.