18 y/o and probably balding


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Hey guys,
since 1 month ago i discovered some balding in the crown of my head. It was actually the first time i looked at my hair from that angle (with a camera taking pictures), i told myself that it was probably some temporary kind of hair loss but now, 1 month later i still see the spot and its gotten a bit bigger. This is a big shock for me as i never tought about balding and that it could occur this early (at 18 years of age). Right now i noticed my hair at the temples getting a bit thinner and thinning on my crown that is getting worse. I have curly/wavy hair so when its dry i see less of the balding, after showering and combing it the hidden balding shows up and i think its pretty obvious that i suffer from male pattern baldness.. (Dad is also completely bald on the crownarea, still has hair on front sides and back)
Im still all new to this but i really want to prevent or at least learn how to handle balding. I'll try to get a picture of my hair posted here soon.
Thanks for reading!

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Could anyone approve that im defenitely balding or is this normal at my age? Im really worried :) thanks!


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A potential sign of hair loss is when hair is long and your scalp can be seen. Minoxodil and finasteride have been shown to stop hair loss or even regrown hair on the crown of the head. It sounds like your hair may one day look like your father's


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You're definitely thinning,and it's definitely early male pattern baldness. If you don't get on finasteride at a minimum, you will likely be quite bald in a few years time, almost certainly by age 30


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Thats thinner than my hair and I'm almost 30. If you've lost that much density this by 18, I wouldn't be surprised complete horse shoe pattern hair within a few years. God damn that's tragic.


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Thanks for the replies guys, yes i already strongly considered that i was balding but i kept telling myself that it is impossible at my age. Now that i know that im definitely balding i better visit a doctor (do i even need to? Its quite obvious)

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Anyways, if i would start taking finasteride, it would have to be for a lifetime right? And if i would stop taking it, it would make all my hair fall out at a very fast pace (thats what i learned by browsing and reading this site), so 2 options: t1. Take pills for lifetime which might not even work 2. Go bald naturally and maybe have some hairs left on the parts that are not affected by this balding


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if finasteride doesn't work, you can always stop taking it. There is no reason you have to be on it forever when it does nothing to halt hair loss.


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You stop taking finasteride and your hair (within 6 months) returns to a level it would be at that stage if you had never taken finasteride, no worse.

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You stop taking finasteride and your hair (within 6 months) returns to a level it would be at that stage if you had never taken finasteride, no worse.

The good news is that with your current level, you have no slick baldness, there's a very good chance finasteride and minoxidil will restore your hair density to near normal levels and there will be no evidence of hairloss. But given your early age it may be quite aggressive hairloss. Hope the big three works for you, if it doesn't than add topical spironolactone to your regimen as well as the big three, and maybe consider dutasteride if you don't get the results your after. Good luck, you caught it at the right time, now just pray you're in the majority of men for whom it works!


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Thanks everybody! One more question: which kind of doctor do i need to see? A dermatologist, or a specific "hair doctor", or is it possible to go to a pharmacy nearby to buy finasteride and the other stuff?
i really appreciate your help


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if you want to have your hair loss checked, go see a hair transplant doctor. If you just want to get a prescription of Finastreride, then see a GP or a dermatologist.


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Thats thinner than my hair and I'm almost 30. If you've lost that much density this by 18, I wouldn't be surprised complete horse shoe pattern hair within a few years. God damn that's tragic.

This man speaks the truth. Gotta love the honesty.


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This man speaks the truth. Gotta love the honesty.
Well yeah its way less visible when my hair isnt wet but theres definitely some bad things that are going to happen soon if it doesnt stop. I didnt mention that i swam hella lot last year for a lifeguard test, didnt take care of my hair, went on vacation with lots of sun etc. Maybe its because of that? Anyways ive got an appointment next week at a dermatologist ill keep u updated!


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You are definitely losing your hair. Swimming will not cause you to lose your hair unless you are swimming in the ocean near Japan perhaps. Get a script for finasteride asap and give it time to work.


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UPDATE: went to dermatologist just now, officially starting my regimen, got prescribed minoxidil 5%, 40 euros for 180ml, sounds expensive to me but idk how long it will last. Another appointment within 6 weeks for eventually prescribing finasteride.


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10 days on minoxidil, dont really notice any regrowth, but i do notice that i can see my skin more clearly on the area where i put minoxidil on (maybe im dreaming it). Also having a hard time to put the liquid properly on my head, it gets my hair wet but the Doctor told me to rub it directly on my skin, which is hard to do with all that hair.


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Update: about 1 and 1/4 month on minoxidil 5%, noticing a little bit regrowth on left temple, the rest seemed to get worse i think

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image.jpgMy crown as it is now,