17 years old thinnning and looking for advice


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Ok, I am 17 years oldsand I have mild diffuse thinning. It is the worst in the back of my head and noticable. I have no specific bald spot, just general thinning at the back of my head.

As a kid I had always had very thick hair. I started noticing this problem when I was 15. I had had general diffuse thinning much similar to my hair now. I first noticed it when a friend commented on my thin hair. I put off dealing with this problem for about 6 mounths until I gave in and decided to go see a dermetoligist. Now, at this time I had been taking mynocyline for my acne, but I stoped taking it because I was suspicious after reading that It can cause hair loss. The doctor, after looking at it said that he thought that it looked like an early case of Male Pattern Baldness, but he wanted to do a biopsy to make sure. The biopsy came back negative, It appeared that I didn't have MPD.

Now I was back to square one. The doctor decieded to draw and test for a number of numerous things including thyroid problems, vitamin deficiency, testosterone levels, diabeties and maybe some other things that I can think of. All of these tests came back normal and the doctor decided to put me on Rogane maximum stength and Olux foam 0.05%.

After about 8 to 9 months of using both of these medications once a day I noticed none if very little regrowth but absolutly no worsening of my hair. I also started using a thickening shampoo with little or no benefit. I now wear a hat most of the time (I never wore one before) and take a daily vitamin. My hair is very dark and fairly long, not to my shoulders or anything though. I am considering cutting it a little shorter to see if that helps. I am fairly active, 5'10, 165 pounds. I am not overwieght or unhealthy and I am fairly active. I don't have any other major medical problems. I am not taking any other meds at this time Nothing major has happened to me during this time period and I was very stress free and laid back before this happened.

My dad has a full head of hair and my dads dad does too. On my mothers side her bothers are all going bald but did not start until they were about 35. I know I anyready said It wasn't MPD but I thought I'd add it.

I still have no idea what caused, is causing this and I am open to and looking at other treatments, coverups. If you can help me in any way or would like me to clarify anything please reply.



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I would try Nizoral 1% shampoo which you can get at your local drug store. Also, you should look into Folligen spray, which you can buy cheap on this site. Folligen has copper peptides, which help with regrowth and create a healthy environment for your scalp. This can be used before spraying Rogaine. Good luck and don't let it worry you too much. Help is on the way.


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Other Options

"I feel your pain!"...except for the male part. I'm actually a female who's been dealing with thinning hair since I was 13. I've gone through countless doctors with very little explaination or helpful advice - and boy is it frustrating! I am now 26 and after years of doctors, pointless products, and lots of trial-and-error using things, I've almost come to terms with my hairloss. BUT, certainly what has helped me get there, are other options I've tried...which you may or may not have heard about.

Like I mentioned, I've gone through MANY different products and options in hope of relief; herbal supplements, minoxidil (used it for 2 years with no effect), shampoos, scalp care, thickening agents...you name it. Nothing worked to help ADD or ENHANCE thickness of my hairloss. What I have found, is something to help HIDE it. If you're always wearing a hat anyway...you might be open to this option. I use a great product called Dermatch. It's a topical shading solution you apply to your scalp to help "color in" the appearance of hair. With my dark-brown haircolor, my scalp looks bright white and shows my hairloss clearly. Using Dermatch, it TOTALLY covers up my bald spots and it's completely unnoticeable. People, friends and family honestly believe my hair "got better" - and they cannot detect the stuff I put on my hair. I LOVE it to death and can't imagine going back to the days before I found this stuff.

I am NOT a salesman for the product, just a very happy customer. When I went to Bosley Medical for an evaluation, they determined nothing could be done for my situation. Before leaving however, the doctor gave me this information and suggested hiding it rather than supplementing it. Another type of topical shading is Toppik or Fullmore. They're made by the same company and have similar results. Each has it's own way of being applied that work better than others. If you'd like my honest opinion on which to use, feel free to email me. I wish I had found this stuff years earlier!

The information for Dermatch can be found at http://www.dermatch.com or you can look at the Toppik website at: http://www.toppik.com

As a little extra tidbit....both my brothers in my family suffer hairloss (one since his late teen's as well). I saw a recent feature on the news that has found hairloss is a gene carried strictly by the female. It totally makes sense for my family....since my mother and my mother's side is all very thin...but my father has a thick head of hair. It IS a mom thing!

Good luck and hope this helps!!!


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baldness is a gene carried by both male, and female. Females needs need both genes, while a man only needs to inherit 1 from either side.