17 balding - advice?


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I hope I dont come across as venting in this thread , but I really need some advice about my hair loss

I am a 17 year old male, almost 18 and I have noticed my hair has begun to thin out on the crown area and all off the top. this in addition to my family history of baldness ( most of the men on both sides of my family are bald and a few of them went bald in college) would lead me to believe I probably wont be hanging onto my hair for to much longer. I have been to a dermatologist , which didn't end up being very helpful. I was told starting Propecia at my age was a bad idea, although I was recommended to try rogaine. I dont feel very optimistic about rogaine because I have read it is better at treating mild hair loss and going by my genetics my hair loss isn't "mild".

now here is what I would look advice on. I am wondering if I have any options with this? I really would just go for the bald look if I could , however I would look absolutely terrible with it. I am about 5'5 and somewhat pale with an oddly shaped head. The thing is, I actually look decent with hair , infact it has been one of my best features that has given me confidence, however losing it at such an early age is very hard for me to deal with.

I have read that hair transplants are not a good option for young people either.

my conclusion is that I probally will try to propecia and if it doesnt work I am thinking about getting a hair peice. I cringe at thinking about the stingma of wearing one as a man and the anxiety that goes with it but I just could not handle embracing my baldness. it would take me from a decent looking person to a ugly alien. I think some guys look great bald , some look decent and some like me just look completely terrible.

sorry for the long post but I am wondering what can I do? would it be bad to start college wearing a hair peice?


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I personally wouldn't go the hairpiece route.

I'm not as young as you but I'm in my mid 20's and decided to bite the bullet and get on finasteride (propecia). I did the research myself and made the decision. I was willing to risk the sides to save my hair. I have a very abnormally shaped head and I know that I need my hair. I also come from a long line of bald men and realize that I will eventually lose it. I have experienced some sides but they have been mild for the most part.

But for now I will do whatever I can to hold onto it however long as I can.

The decision is yours. Weigh the pros and cons. And choose the best option. There really isn't much besides propecia and minoxidil man..

male pattern baldness is the worst.


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yea my thinning isn't to noticeable yet because I have my hair at a medium length but I can only imagine what it will look like in 2-3 years

a hair peice sounds like a bad idea but I think I would rather that then be completly bald

in the meantime I suppose trying finasteride is worth it


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Some guys on here are your age taking finasteride/dutasteride. Just my advice don't go slick bald and dont get a hair piece.


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I wouldn't consider a hair system until you are in the advanced stages.

Take finasteride, maintain, and ride it out. Save up, and get a transplant at 21 if you manage to stabilize your loss.

Unfortunately it's to early to go either route. I was you at one point, and can totally relate.

All I can recommend is you get out of your comfort zone, and gain experience in areas that you feel anxious in. it'll be hard, but this is crucial.


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thanks for the responses, and yea hair system is probably my last resort but I like knowing its an option , it makes me worry less about losing my hair

considering aggresive male pattern baldness runs in my family I dont feel like the drugs and transplants will help me enough.

however , its worth a try. Im just a little hesitant to starting finasteride at this young of an age