16 Year Old and Receding Hairline?


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Alright you guys can probably guess that I've been freaking about lol, I've noticed that I do get hairs falling out pretty often, but my hair itself is pretty thick, the problem is my hairline. The I do have a fairly big forehead, and my hairline around the front of my head seems a little far back, but I've always known about this and I know its probably just the way I am. But when I pull my hair back around the corners the story is very very different.


Any Ideas on how I can stop this from getting worse, and possible treatment options? Thanks so much.


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Unfortunately it's possible that you are losing your hair. You will have to change your perspective on life because you are so young. There will be solutions for you when you are older (for example a system) but for now you will just have to deal with it mentally and not let it affect your education which is important now.