16 And Diffuse Thinning, What Are My Options?


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Hello guys. Currently I'm 16 years old and balding, Yes, i know I'm 16 and it's highly unlikely and you probably might think I'm just scared because I saw a few strands of hair in the shower but I am dead serious my hairline isn't going up but instead I'm losing hair all over my head (except the back) and it's getting worse, I can tell. If I shine some light in my hair, I can see through my scalp clearly and it sucks, people have even told me that they can see through my hair and I'm only in high school, that's really embarrassing but I pretend to joke about it and say oh no Ima go bald early and seem not to get phased by it but tbh it is really starting to get to me. So I'll have to take extreme measures and create this post. Is there anything that can be done to reverse or reduce or just stop the hair loss?

Background info:
My father is about 50 and already bald with some hair left on the top, not much tho , probably only like 100 hairs, but still has hair on the side, My mother is also balding but it's not like she's bald, she just has hair loss that she can easily hide since she has long hair. My siblings all have hair loss and they're in their mid twenties, especially my brother and one of my sisters who is 22 and 29 repsectively. My brother has the same thing going on along with my sister. Basically balding runs in the family and it's inevitable for us.

I have a pretty dry scalp and my hair is also dry. I have the occasional feel of wanting to scratch my head and there are a few but not much pimples on top of my head (3 at max and not that big). Shaved it once and my sister said my scalp looked inflamed but that was a year ago.

Fun story:
I've already shaved my hair back in 10th grade (last year) when it was almost summer and oh boy was that fun getting smacked repeatedly in the dome by everyone in school lol. Told them I lost a bet so I had to shave my head but in reality I just wanted to shave it cos I was losing hair, but I got so much praise for a few weeks cos of people saying I got balls for actually following the fake bet I made up.

What I am already doing:
-I use Nizoral 3x a week
-Coconut oil massage 2x a week to cope with the drying effect of nizoral (I put it on when I come home from school and leave it on until 10 o clock and take a shower which is approximately 5 hours)
-Occasionally use 2% ketoconazole cream on my scalp which my doctor prescribed to me (not for balding but for the inflammation and acne which is almost gone)

So what else can I do? I've heard about Minoxidil and Finasteride and I have minoxidil in my house but I don't want to use it as I've also heard it doesn't really stop hair loss at its root. Finasteride I would defeinitely use regardless of the side effects cos I'm not having sex anytime soon. But I'm only 16 so I'm gonna bring it up to my Doctor and see what she has to say about it and if she's good with it then I'm sure as hell using it.

Side note:
I know I'm really young for this too happen and I should be complaining but honeslty I guess this is is life and it happens to everyone at some point so I'm not posting this to whine or have people feel sorry for me, I'm just looking for options, what can I do? Is there anything I can use to stop/reduce/reverse the hair loss?

Thanks for hearing me out guys, means a lot.

I'll post some pics up as soon as I see if this post gets a few replies.