14 Month Update: Time to Add spironolactone to My Regimen?


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I'm just starting month 14 on the Big 3 and have been underwhelmed so far with my results. I suffer from bitemporal recession with diffuse frontal thinning and have noticed, at best, a slowing of loss. My results are disappointing because I do not (did not :( ) consider myself to have a particulary aggressive form of hair loss AND I caught it at a relatively early stage. At the very least, I was hoping to thicken the diffuse frontal hair. In fairness, a few terminal hairs do appear to have grown at the hairline, but, as I just noted, my entire hairline remains diffuse. Should I give Propecia another few months to work in the hope that the terminal hairs at the hairline are a prelude to more regrowth and eventual thickening? Or should I add Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream to my regimen now to help thicken my frontal hair and stop further loss? For what it's worth, time and money are no consideration, so if using spironolactone can only help, then my inclination is to add it to my regimen now (Why wait?). What do you guys think?


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If you have had no side-effects with finasteride you may be a candidate to consider switching finasteride to dutasteride... You have to read a lot about it as it is a little different than finasteride (longer half life meaning longer side-effects if you do get them), though some claim it has worked better for them.

Another things to consider include higher dose minoxidil at the hairline (12.5% cream or 15%) as some people get results with that when regular minoxidil did not give results. Continue the 5% other areas, but use the higher dose to spot treat trouble areas.

Adding spironolactone %5 cream in problem areas (in addition to the "big 3") could also easily be done, and some report it has helped. Im trying it, but am on so many things I'll never know what is helping...

All of the above products are available thru Dr. Lee's website http://www.minoxidil.com


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Hey Cornholio. Thanks for giving such practical advice. Honestly, I'm not too concerned with the potential side effects of taking Dutasteride. I consider myself fairly well informed, but I can't balk at the prospect of taking a drug that may very well be my last chance to hold onto (and maybe regrow) hair before something like PS1 comes along. My hair is just too important to me. That said, I think I'll give the Propecia a few more months just so I can say (relatively) conclusively that it has not worked for my hair loss. In the meantime, I will add spironolactone to my hairline at night. Is Dr. Lee the best source, or is there somewhere else that I can obtain the cream? Doesn't one of the major pharmaceutical companies market a topical preparation in Europe?


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Im sure you can find other sources. I just remember Dr lee claims to have made a 5% cream without the odor problem... It is the only one I've tried. It doesnt smell good, so I can only imagine what a "fully odored" cream would smell like. That claim is the only reason I recommend him... Also he formulates the higher concentrations of minoxidil (12.5%, 15%) if you want to try them. Oh, and the quick drying %5 minoxidil. If you can find it locally for a good price I would do it... He gets enough business as it is : )

Good luck