10 Months on Rogaine - Not working - With Pictures

Thick head

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Hello everyone,

I will try not write a depressing story and stick to the point to get the some constructive feedback. I made mistakes but I was young and immature so don't go too hard on me.

I am 21 years old. I began thinning when I was 18 however during that time all I saw was minor sheds but the hair was largely thick, and my head was full too.

Fast forward 2012 September - I picked up Rogaine Foam 5% and started using it on my scalp. I used it for 4-5 months, on and off but was very consistent in the first 3 months, twice a day everyday. I had the initial shed and the normal thinning but never saw any improvement even after 5 months of usage. I used it only in areas where it was thinning, not in the entire scalp and I would switch places around every time I use it. The reason for this was because on the bottle it stated not to use more then half the cup so didn't wanted to overdose myself. You could see my scalp in places but not that easily, you would have to move the hair to see the thinning.

1.5 Month Break - I stopped using rogaine cold turkey and then had the shed for that period and began using it again.

Second attempt on Rogaine - I began using it in the Mid April and have been using it till today religiously. Twice a day. All over scalp. Without missing. I also added Nizoral in my regime a month ago because of the itching and flaky scalp. So I have been on it for a total of 10 months excluding the break.

The issue:

I have simply not stopped shedding since the very first day I have started rogaine back in September 2012. During the start of using Rogaine (before stopping and starting after stopping)I would lose around 300-500 hair a day. This loss went down as months passed by. But I am still losing, easily, over 200 hair a day, everyday since I have been on the treatment. The consequences have been catastrophic for me. My head is very thin, my scalp is easily visible. In light you can see my scalp shining. My hair is thin and brittle.

Just a little touch on my hair and i will have 5-10 hair. On my desk, in the shower. When I use Rogaine in the morning, I will have 100 hair in the sink then another 100 when i use it before bed. I am currently a Norwood 1.5 I think. My hairline has receded in the past 6 months by half an inch and i can see it receding further as the hair is so thin.

I do see plenty of new hair. Thin white hair, or small hair. But I am not sure if that is growth, or my own old thick hair that has been miniaturized by the dirtiest swine on earth known as the DHT.

So Shall I stop using Rogaine because I am shedding so many hair and my hair is getting thinner and thinner? Or shall I continue it till i go bald? Is this normal?

Pictures: The short hair is 5 months ago. And the longer hair is now, as of today. Don't be fooled of the thickness of the hair. Its nizoral shampoo it gives it a illusionary look of thick hair.


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Experienced Member
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hi it's hard to tell from these pictures if your hair has actually got worse or not while on Minoxidil. I used to shed 300 - 500 hairs a day when I first started the treatment and it lasted about 4 months and I am still shedding, though it's much less now . I am no expert and can't say if Minoxidil is making things worse or not. Have you considered other options, such as finasteride? You would look better with short hair by the way...

Thick head

New Member
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Thank you for the reply,

I am certain the hair has gone worse. I have got comments from family and friends too. I am just contemplating whether its doing more damage then good.

How much do you shed on average now?

EDIT: I cannot risk going on finasteride. I am quite active sexually with my girlfriend. Risking my libido or any sexual side effects is simply enough to deter me from using. While I understand, its a only a few who experience these but the fact that the side effects may remain even after stopping is just scary.


Established Member
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dunno what ur problem is ...yeah temples are going to be greater but the other head looks thick to me.Better then with short hair.How many times u use nizoral in the week?and since when?

Thick head

New Member
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Twice a week and I have been using it for 1 month now.

I am just want to know if shedding on such a level is normal? Also my right side is significantly thinner then my left side.