1 tip for bald men looking for girlfriends

g.i joey

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Bald men should always seek out a woman whos father is bald, ive noticed alot of woman dating baldies in my social group almost ALL have bald fathers, its more psychological than anything but im telling you, just look out for the fathers hair and if hes bald, know that you DO have a chance.

Agustin Araujo

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Interesting observation, g.i joey. Both of my Grandfathers are Norwood 6, my paternal one is deceased however.


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Funny, but there might be something to it.

Goldee Lox

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My brother is bald. Was completely bald by my age basically and he never has trouble picking up girls. Girls that most would consider out of his league on here simply because he has hair loss. Obviously, he doesn't get every girl he wants, but even if he doesn't hookup with them, he befriends quite a few. Girls have never been "put off" by him. He's not even in great shape.. He's not ugly because he's bald. He wears a hat most of the time though.

He's always been charismatic and could relate to women well. Girls tend to stay being friends with him even after they realize he's not serious. He pulled a solid 8 that was 20 when he was 30 and was with her for a long time until she moved to another state.


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Another tip I would give is to not go bald.


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Women do seek out their fathers... indeed... if their father beat them... they will want to get beaten... indeed

Goldee Lox

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Another tip I would give is to not go bald.

That's always preferable, yes. For those chaps out there that can't win the battle, or choose to not use meds for whatever reasons, life can indeed still be sweet.:sun:


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Definitely true. Women with bald fathers will accept it as being more normal, women with non bald fathers will have higher standards.

But think of your children! If you have a kid with a woman who's father is bald, and you're bald, then your kid is ****ed!
I got my male pattern baldness from my maternal grandfather for sure. My dad has it too, but it struck much later with him and has been much less severe (dad is NW3 at 50 vs grandad was NW5 at 30). If I have a kid, I don't want them to have the same curse as me and my grandad, I'd rather find a woman with better genes to pass on to my son.


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Definitely true. Women with bald fathers will accept it as being more normal, women with non bald fathers will have higher standards.

But think of your children! If you have a kid with a woman who's father is bald, and you're bald, then your kid is ****ed!
I got my male pattern baldness from my maternal grandfather for sure. My dad has it too, but it struck much later with him and has been much less severe (dad is NW3 at 50 vs grandad was NW5 at 30). If I have a kid, I don't want them to have the same curse as me and my grandad, I'd rather find a woman with better genes to pass on to my son.

Haha, good logic but maybe easier said in writing than acted out in real life. If you met a woman and were completely loved up with her (woman of your dreams) but her father was bald - course you would still pursue it? Come on man ;)


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male pattern baldness genes can be silent, guys. People can be carrying them and not expressing them (i.e. not balding) and pass it on to their offspring who can then go bald. That's how male pattern baldness "skips generations". You can't tell if someone has those genes simply by the fact that they have hair or not.


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sad truth is that being bald does **** u over in the sexual marketplace. its axiomatic and anyone that argues it is retarded.

It's not considered a plus, but lets be real, people on this forum WAY over exaggerate how big of a ding it is. It's hilarious when I see people on here talk about "why would a girl ever date me when there are so many NW1s around to date?" when I'm over here doing great on Tinder and IRL with a diffuse NW3 shaved to the bone. Also I'm only 5'7" which is another supposed "deal breaker." Seriously guys, balding is lame and a minority of girls will write you off for it immediately, but lets not get delusional and pretend like it alone is the reason that most of the girls who aren't interested in you feel that way. If balding really ****s you over that badly, you probably wen't offering much to the "sexual marketplace" to begin with.


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bull****. u either have a fantastic face or simply dont know what u are talking about.

only things that count in the SMP to begin with are LMS... with L being the biggest factor, and hair being crucial.

Okay, again I didn't say that it doesn't ding you, but there are tons of other factors than just your hair that come into attractiveness. I'm on this forum too, so I obviously want to try to fix this problem I have with meds and an eventually hair transplant. All I said is that if lack of hair is the straw the breaks the camel's back in the dating world, then you've probably got a LOT of other things to work on. Go to the gym, get a better job, dress better, become a better conversationalist. I bet 75% of the people on this forum never go to the gym and leave their house in tennis shoes and t shirt every day and then blame balding for their lack of dating luck. I have noticed very little drop off in my dating potential since going bald/shaving my head and it's probably somewhat due to my improving on other factors of attractiveness.


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before i reply.. I'm new here, how can i get notified when ppl reply to me, and how can i make sure I'm replying to u specifically? thanks.

now to my response: gym, job, dress, etc etc.... these are all bs in my book.

when it comes to attraction and dating, assuming u aren't some autist and dont have any other huge issue... it all comes down to LMS.. that stands for Looks, Money, Status. as simple as that, and in that order for the most part.

by far, the biggest factor when it comes to looks, is in fact ur face. that being said, unless u have one hell of a face, like top 1 percent .. u will not look good bald, or at the very least u will look far better with hair.

im 19, kissless virgin , nw2... if i could fix my face and have a full head of hair, i would be all set lol. again, idk how many of u share my views (I'm from lookism.net... I'm actually a mod there with the same avi as i have here), so most of u might just say I'm full of **** and thats fine, I'm not here to argue about that... I'm here to figure out how to keep a full head of hair lol

read the thread i made if u want.


if you can't get laid, let alone kiss someone at that age, and Norwood.. then chances are it aint happening with a full head of hair.