1.5 months on fiinestride, I am a little scared


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Hi I've been on finestride (local generic product, NOT propecia) for 1.5 months and today I noticed I am feeling very little sexual desire, I gave my self a "little test" and I hardly could get the little guy up, I am a little worried, it seem like I am developing ED, or is it maybe that I am having a day off? What are your thoughts/experience please? I've come across some who say this is normal at 1st while the body adjusts, while at some websites people say that the percentage of people developing ED is a lot larger than 2% and that the makers of finestride are lying???


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you could wait and hope it gets better or stop taking it in which any effects the finasteride was having will be done with in about 2 or 3 weeks


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Thanks for the tip, I am thinking of lowering finasteride to only 2-3 times/week, I just saw your linked thread, great results man, have you noticed any similar ED symptoms to what I mentioned while on dutasteride?


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Thanks for the tip, I am thinking of lowering finasteride to only 2-3 times/week, I just saw your linked thread, great results man, have you noticed any similar ED symptoms to what I mentioned while on dutasteride?

no I have never had any sides


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re: 1.5 months on fiinestride, I am a little scare

Yeah, I feel ya man. I have been on the medication for a month and 5 days now (1mg/day). First month, absolutely no problem with decreased Libido or ED. Doctor approved my second month. Out of nowhere it started. For the past 3 days I have had trouble getting erections (not even getting erect at all)

I am debating whether to stay on it or go off as I am having the same debate as you - not sure if side effects will go away shortly or if they will persist. Hopefully my dermatologist can shed some light on whether l should stick with it or see if lowering dosage will help, or if going off it all together is the best move. But I am happy to report back with any guidance/real expectations he has.