1-10 How effective has finasteride been for you? Survey


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Just to take an overall pulse of people on finasteride at this forum. If you have taken or are currently taking finasteride how would would rate the overall success/lack of it has had on your hair. On a scale of 1-10


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HT55: You have got to be kidding, with results like that!

finasteride's about an 8 for me. I've been on it for 13 months, overall hair density is much better. Hairline doesn't seem to be filling in but it isn't too bad. I honestly don't know what i would do without finasteride.


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Didn't really work for me... I didn't like the way it made me feel, so I quit :sobbing:

HT55: You look good


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ali777 said:
Didn't really work for me... I didn't like the way it made me feel, so I quit :sobbing:

HT55: You look good
.........is there anything you're takin at the moment....did you just recently quit finasteride? and what sides did you get?


Established Member
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Good thread idea, can I make a suggestion though and catorogise your marks out of 10 into

-Hairline out of 10 (Temples or whole hairline)
-Crown out of 10
-Overall out of 10

Just to be more specific and get a better idea. Just put n/a if it either the hairline or crown wasn't a problem to begin with. Because I have problems at the temples, so want to know the effectiveness at different areas of the head.


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8 or 9 as it's maintained well.


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I'd give it about a 5 overall. I have a ton more hair on top now than a year ago, but most
would considering me balding or thinning. It's almost useless for areas that have been bald for
a long time. As far as maintaining... I'm getting better not worse so there I give it a 10.

The real secret: start before you see hair loss. Once the follicle is dead it's not coming back unless
you catch it soon.

Hairline: 0
Crown: 6
Overall: 5
Maintain: 10


Established Member
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I don't think your scale is fair, its known that its good to start early and due to you not starting it gets a lower score? Not being a dick. Also your results are pretty good for the time. Wasn't it like 6 months?


Experienced Member
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Sorue said:
HT55: You have got to be kidding, with results like that!

finasteride's about an 8 for me. I've been on it for 13 months, overall hair density is much better. Hairline doesn't seem to be filling in but it isn't too bad. I honestly don't know what i would do without finasteride.

I am very happy but for me to give it a 10 my hair would have to be perfect and I could still use about 500 single hair FU's in my hairline.

BTW I also use Rogaine foam and Nizoral