1 1/2 month update / considering proscar?


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Hey guys, well I usually dont post here unless i've got questions.. but I just thought I should contribute my experience for those who are in my same situation. I'm a 21m with diffuse thinning.
So far for the past month I've been using
Revivogen 1x daily
Folligen every other day (this is all due to the copper & zinc interactions i've been reading up on here)
Lasercomb 3x a week

Con: 2 weeks into my regimen my hairloss did slow down for about 3-4 days.. and then it went right back to normal.. about 30-40 hair everytime I shower.

Pro : although I have not noticed any significant regrowth, I have seen
many tiny vellus hair along my frontal hairline, now I 'm not sure if its just me, and that I never l noticed it before, but I do see it now.

Comments on products

Revivogen = it smells like i just dipped my head into pork fat, but all in all i have yet to get any irritation from it so i guess its good. ( dont know if its even getting absorbed into my scalp though)

Folligen = at first it did sting a lil bit but not as bad as others have complained, I think this might have contributed to the vellus hair in the front of my hairline. And defintely stopped any irritation, flaking and itching.

Lasercomb = although this thing seems like an extremely overpriced cheap piece of plastic junk, I will remain optimistic and continue to use it. As far as results wise i think the reason that many ppl praise that it makes their hair feel better is due to the fact that while they are using the lasercomb they are also combing their hair.. and after each use when you feel your hair it just seems better.. this result can be obtained with any normal comb.. try it :) But like I said i'll remain optimistic and give the lasercomb partial credit to the vellus hair that i see.

And now coming down to the question of the day.
Now my Dad kept growing till his mid 20s, and I have yet to reach my dad's height and I just turned 21,
And I have read that DHT is vital for the male characteristics and perhaps even growth in male. So the question is should i wait before i get on finasteride?
or i should have nothing to worry about and get on it anyways?


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depends on what you want to achieve...If your dad started losing it in his mid twenties and you are 21 with diffuse thinning then you most likely want to maintain and get some regrowth...I would reccommend propecia but you should also see a derm for their advice and a prescription. Save it while you still have it, wish I started years ago as do most....best of luck....


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i heard proscar would be more affortable right? after all i am a college student.. so i'm always on a budget :D also how long have you been using propecia? and whats your feedback on it?