Recent content by Zeal

  1. Z

    Question about Rogaine for hairline

    I have a v-shaped hairline and have begun using Rogaine foam to try to get some regrowth. My question is: Do I apply the foam only in the area where hair once (below the current hairline) was or do I rub some of it into the hair/roots of my current hairline?
  2. Z

    JayMan's weight journal.

    What he's saying is 100% true though.
  3. Z

    JayMan's weight journal.

    Thanks guys. It's not only the healthy way, but the sexy way.
  4. Z

    JayMan's weight journal.

    I hope none of the advice I'm about to give comes across as condescending, I'm not sure what you know or what your exercise/diet history is other than what you said about dieting three years ago. I'm just going to rehash tried and true advice here: -You need to eat at least ~1600 calories...
  5. Z

    started "Strating Strength" feeling like a man

    A good cheap way of getting washers to use as microweights is to go to and get an order of item #90108A046. The 2" washers, the size needed to fit on a barbell, come in a set of 8. Each washer is about .625 pounds. You can go up almost any denomination you want this way. Much...
  6. Z

    Are you the only one amongst your friends who's balding?

    I have a few friends who are losing hair, but they're mostly the Norwood 1.5 with diffuse type. I'm an NW2 with otherwise thick hair. Sometimes I think the grass is greener on the other side, but mostly not so much. I don't think that they're doing anything about their loss.
  7. Z

    Muscle rebuilding and protein?

    More whey also adds more calories and protein. Using milk with your whey after your workout isn't going to make gains non-existant, but you're only cheating yourself. Your body needs protein, FAST, after a workout.
  8. Z

    Muscle rebuilding and protein?

    Yes, a fast digesting protein like whey is ideal post workout. Take it with water as soon as possible after the workout, anything else (i.e. Milk) will slow the digestive process.
  9. Z

    Would you rather

    I hope youre not serious... lose a limb or lose hair? god
  10. Z

    To all you skinny sh*t motherfuckers

    Whoops. I knew that you gave your before and after weight. I'm not really sure why I asked for it despite that. Thanks for the info.
  11. Z

    To all you skinny sh*t motherfuckers

    How much are you eating calorie-wise? What was your weight before and after?
  12. Z

    I feel a cold coming on...prevention tips?

    Yeah, it was actually the flu. Pretty much over it now. Thanks guys. I was taking my temperature, and the thing went up to 105+ and eventually blew out. I felt like I was Clark Kent and I had some kind of kryponite flu or something. The thermometer was just old.
  13. Z

    Finally! A hair loss cure, the HairPod.

    *deposits tax refund* *writes check*
  14. Z

    I feel a cold coming on...prevention tips?

    I woke up today feeling a bit shitty; people around me have been enduring colds but I'd like to fight it before it comes to a head. My diet is great, not much to improve there. I'm eating 500mg Vitamin C chewables like they're candy, but that's mainly to feel like I'm doing something. I'm...
  15. Z

    To all you skinny sh*t motherfuckers Some of the best stuff I've ever seen on the net