Recent content by Tidalwave

  1. T

    Finally Gave In.. Day 1 Of Finasteride At 21 Years Old. Do I Have Potential To Save My Hair?

    Any update? I'm 21 too, and wondering whether or not to start finasteride.
  2. T

    What Stage Of Hair Loss Is This? Time To Start Finasteride? (pics)

    What Norwood would this be/how bad is the recession? I'm 21 years old, and don't want it to get worse. At the same time, I hope I can regrow some hair on the temple region with finasteride. Thoughts? If for some reason I take finasteride and get off of it, would my hair go back exactly to what it was...
  3. T

    Receding Hairline At 21...thinking Of Starting Finasteride/big 3

    Alright, I've been compulsively reading threads on this page for about some time now, the success stories, the horror stories, everything, and I've finally decided to make my own thread. It started around when I was 18, what was probably a tiny bit of recession of my temples. I had buzzed my...
  4. T


    How do you apply minoxidil? Do you have to rub/apply it all over your scalp, or just the relatively bald spots?