Recent content by TheWig

  1. T

    Successful FUE procedure

    It said on this site when I joined that I can't mention who did that right or is that just on the first message of this thread? I don't want this taken down because I broke the rules. I am happy to let you know in a private message if not. The procedure they say was 3000 grafts but...
  2. T

    Successful FUE procedure

    Hi, I just wanted to recommend FUE if any of you guys have gone beyond saving your hair with treatments and natural stuff. I had it done in January in Turkey and I'm very happy with the results so far :-) I'm not sure how I post a picture but I will try work it out.....or if someone can help me...
  3. T

    Which Is The Most Effective Dht Inhibitor For Hair Loss?

    keep up the natural fight I just had a hair transplant and I'm using natural oils, vitamins and different shampoos to treat my new growth and existing hair. Drugs like Finasterade or whatever it's called and minoxidil are effective in some men but also can mess around with your libido and...
  4. T

    Trend noticed: South Koreans are continuously curing male pattern baldness with "natural" treatments

    Keep going :-) Don't let people discourage you. If through researching natural hairloss treatments you become healthier and look better all round then that's amazing. In fact there are many studies that show the effects of unhealthy habits affecting hair growth and the speed of hair loss. I...
  5. T

    Castor Oil

    I think it works I use castor oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil mix because i kept reading about FUE transplant is growing back well and I don't seem to be losing any more hair.....i will know better when i grow it out though :-)
  6. T

    Castor Oil Question

    Mixture Castor Oil, avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil I use a mixture of Castor Oil, avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil. I had an FUE transplant in January and it has grown back in a good time i think compared to another guy who had his done from another company at the same time. I...