Recent content by the_morrow

  1. T

    Canada and 5% Minoxidil

    sounds like ill be able to drive it in :) thanks for your help guys!
  2. T

    Canada and 5% Minoxidil

    so for the past year and a couple months i've been getting my 5% minoxidil from Target whenever i visit the US and fly home to Toronto with it... i haven't visited the US for a bit and i'm running out so i need to get some more - im wondering if anyone knows of any foolproof ways to obtain it...
  3. T

    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    thanks for the advice guys :) i just realized there is an entire sub-forum devoted to the topic of shedding so i'll go snoop around there - been about 2 weeks now and still shedding! i like my hair longer too but it was so much easier to do the regimen with a shaved head!
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    Month 9! hello again! just an update here to track my progress... here's a recent pic of my hair... i've noticed that the balding spot in the back isn't as prominent as it once was - although it's not completely covered with hair stilll... the front is still receeded but i can live...
  5. T

    Moisturize The Scalp?

    so i've been on my big 3 regimen for a couple months now... but i've noticed that my scalp is easily dried out and the nizoral, unless i use it everyday, isn't as effective in keeping my scalp healthy... so i ask you - is it safe to moisturize the scalp and then use minoxidil on it? or...
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    well im still using Propecia and the allergic reaction seems to have disappeared... so i'm still going with Propecia/minoxidil/Nizoral - and i think im starting to see some new hairs sprouting already... i do have a question though - since Propecia keeps your hair from falling out, and minoxidil...
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    so i'm experiencing some allergic reactions to Propecia it seems... so it doesn't look like i will keep it up... so im going to change my regimen to just minoxidil and Nizoral... I'll keep you updated!
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    well i got a month's supply of propecia to start so we'll see how this goes... if my dick becomes like a dead house plant i have no problem dropping propecia... id rather have wood than hair ;)
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    Regimen - with Pics! Ok so I've been using 5% Minoxidel as well as Nizoral shampoo as my regimen until today... I got a prescription for Propecia so now I have the three-pronged attack! :P Here's some pics of the before... late spring 2006 - spikey look with balding patch in the...
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    thanks for your help Taugenichts! a couple points i wanted to respond to... i am sure we can get it here just not at 5% - i read in another thread on here that its like 2% - and 5% is only prescription... what is DHT? what is the benefit of this shampoo? thanks again Taugenichts - ill keep...
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    the_morrow's story - UPDATED with RECENT PIC!

    Hi all, Newbie here - please be gentle :wink: I'll give you a bit of background on my situation... Around the age of 23/24 I started to notice my hair was falling out rather rapidly. I am now 25 and have a nice balding spot on the back of my head. About a month ago I decided to shave...