Recent content by stuwesty7

  1. S

    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    I have decided to take the buzz to see what the real damage is. I have moved to dr lee's Xandrox 15% in the evenings and spironolactone cream. I had noticed that trying to style my hair after putting foam on used to cause hairs to fall out so I am going to see how this goes. It is a bit fustrating as...
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    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    I seem to have had a shed since jan. I have not changed my existing routine - other than spironolactone in the evening since december. would spironolactone cause such a shed? I am starting to think i may get to the poitn where shaving it off or hair transplant is the best plan. I seem to have thin black hairs on my temples...
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    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    You guys have lost me, any serious advice?
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    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    Is hair transplant my only option? Surely it would not fill in with the density of the rest of my hair
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    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    I am still struggling with my frontal receeding hair line. Below I will put my current regime any advice would be appreciated at 25 what is the best i can hope for now? It seems the rest of my hair is very good quality. Further picture update included Regime: 1/4 proscar - since May 2005...
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    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    Re: my story - three years in, with pictures. Where to go next? I have not heard of spironolactone cream, would people recommend this? Would you take it in conjunction with foam? Thinking about maybe buying some vitamins, any one could recommend the bets product?
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    stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)

    I am three years into my hair loss story which has been a real struggle. I notice a receeding hair line back in 2004. I started on propecia and minoxidal from the belgravia centre (did not know any better) I did notice better density of hair but no temple regrowth. After another year on...
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    Proscar problems, thinking of dusteride

    I have moved from propecia to 1/4 proscar about one month ago. I have noticed some extra thining at my temple, is this due to the proscar? I bought it from inhouse pharmacy anyone else bought anything from there? I have also recently started rogaine foam twice a day after using 12.5% minoxidal...
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    when to put on rogaine foam

    I have recently moved onto rogaine foam, a few questions. Can you put the foam on wet hair? I have notice some extra shedding at the temples and no these areas look quite thin, is that normal?
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    stuwesty7's story

    Hello everyone, I have been reading this site for over a year now and I feel I need some advice on my journey with the dreaded B word. I have been receeding for about 2 1/2 years now, I started taking propecia 2 years ago, this has seemed to thicken up my hair and small baby hairs at the...