Recent content by STOPHEY

  1. S

    18 and some questions(new pics octorber 22nd)

    Re: 18 and some questions(pics) my hair looked like your when i was 18, i really started noticing it thinning at about 22,didnt do anything about it when i really should have. your hair looks good and thick at the moment, but you do have the beginning's of a receeding hair line at the front...
  2. S

    Can Nizoral be used everyday?

    i use it every two days, its the only shampoo i use, great stuff. so i wash my hair every two days. Its good cos to much washing strips the oils etc. Am getting good result by doing this. the foam is the nutz also. god i love that foam i want to :hump: it.
  3. S

    I´m tired and i feel like i hit a barrier

    oh dear, you have got it bad. Their is always hope. luckily im having some success but, if it doesnt happen it doesnt happen. Their is no point dwelling on it. At the end of the day its confidence. Who is the guy in your avatar? if thats you wtf are you worrying about? if you want to get...
  4. S

    Do those who buzz head with #3 or #4 use styling products?

    i used to use american crew matte putty? think this is what is was called. and their is also vo5 gum. these are both good. I take it your on the big three, if so you better off not using anything at all. As for the buzz i would go for a off the blade high cut for the side and a 1/2 on top. I...
  5. S

    OK result after 3 months with Big 3 & Laser (pics)

    good results, hard to believe the front has filled in like that in 3 months. what laser are u using, i had a hair max b4 i started the big 3, what a load of S***T that was. its damn thick to? good success but those results look like they over a lot longer than 3 months.
  6. S

    OMG people have noticed thicker hair!! new pics august 07

    going through a shed at the mo. All the small blonde velous hairs i had are almost gone. With any luck they will come through stronger fingers crossed.....october pics. Will post again in january/february,,,,,,,hair is longer onthe pics not by much though...
  7. S

    OMG people have noticed thicker hair!! new pics august 07

    i am takin 2000mg a day which i put down to some of my success. I just wondered if i could add another product to my regemin.
  8. S

    Should I give up....

    i would stick at it, i have been buzzing my head. I have been on the finasteride for 8 months and foam 5 maybe 6. I am noticing a difference. my pics are in success storys. I found taking it with grapefruit juice seemed to make difference? maybe allin my head but its worth a go. and i gave up smoking...
  9. S

    OMG people have noticed thicker hair!! new pics august 07

    anyone got any suggestions on what i could add to my regimin to speed things up? have recently started on the elvive thickening....seem to be pretty useless......... I want something to really start thickening what is growing back. :roll: advice would be appreciated thanks
  10. S

    Big improvements in skin from dutasteride

    when you have been on it a month or 2, let me know how your getting on .....i may switch to dutasteride...and see how i get on. good luck man!
  11. S

    OMG people have noticed thicker hair!! new pics august 07

    yeah am quite pleased at the moment. Lot of new growth still....Do you think i should grow it out a bit more? it has become thick at the back and around the crown still reasonably thin at the front....have a lot of blonde velous hairs coming through still...which is good. Will post again in...
  12. S

    OMG people have noticed thicker hair!! new pics august 07 these are results so far, have stopped smoking and am totally t total, no alchohol.... i have added 1000mg of vit c and have just taken delivery of some merck proscar, have still got dr reddys, so taking a 1/4 one day and 1/2 next with...
  13. S

    OMG people have noticed thicker hair!! new pics august 07

    Im quite excited got up this morning two people who havent seen me for about 4 months commented my hair looks alot thicker than it did last time they saw me. I have been noticing huge amounts of regrowth recently, lots of blonde velous hairs at the temple. I have been on dr reddys proscar since...
  14. S

    finasteride and grapefruit juice

    does anyone do this i read on a website that if you take your finasteride with grapefruit juice, it doubles the chances of it doing good. I am getting good results with just taking it on an emty stomach with water. chris :D finasteride 1.25 rogain foam 5% omega 3 1000mg msm 1000mg
  15. S


    can it be used all over the scalp? i thought it was just vertex