Recent content by sparkleandshine

  1. S

    Can anyone help me identify this hair loss?

    We went to the GP who said not to worry and thought it was growing back, but 3 months on it a) hasn't, b) its worse and c) looks different to before (more rash like) Been back to the GP and have an appointment with the NHS dermatologist in May, so have booked a private one next week!
  2. S

    Can anyone help me identify this hair loss?

    In a 10 year old boy - appeared 3 months ago and has very recently started to itch and shed more hair.
  3. S

    How long until total hair loss?

    did you get an answer to this?
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    8yr old boy with stress induced alopecia

    I think stress is an unlikely cause at this age
  5. S

    Both my kids are suffering from hair loss

    hope you got some answers to this?
  6. S

    is alopecia universalis hereditary?

    from what i understand it is possible but not likely. You have a slightly higher likelihood than average but not much
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    Need Help For My 8 yr. old Daugther

    oh dear did you get anywhere with this?