Recent content by slacker

  1. S

    I am just too impatient?

    You can see my pics/regimen here: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=51224 I have been on minoxidil for 2 months and and a half now, one month 1/2 with finasteride. I don't see any results. Do you?
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    Slacker's Story - (21yr)

    Hi guys My monthly update is due. I have now been on Fincar for 1 month 2 weeks and Minoxidril since Feb 11 I have not had a haircut since I started this, I don't think I notice any changes, can you please take a look and give me your oppinion? Thanks PS I am running dry on minoxidril (my...
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    Slacker's Story - (21yr)

    Hi guys, In 5 days from this post it will be 1 month on Minoxidril and Nizoral 1% only. Here are some pics. As of today, I am starting 1.25ml of Fincar Will report back
  4. S

    Can you post pictures of your Pill cutters for Proscar?

    I went to CVS to inquire about a pill cutter for my 5mg proscar. And the guy at the counter (pharmacy) told me that the pill is so small that it would break it in crumbles. What pill cutters are you guys using? Pictures would help. Any special methods of cutting it?
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    Polishka's Story (22 /3 MONTH UPDATE WITH PICS looking good)

    Re: polishka (22) nearly 3 months into treatment Congrats! I am just curious, you seem to have the same haircut as me, were your pictures of progress consistent with your haircut (ie: did you get a haircut before the pictures, so the hairs are not longer than your before pictures?)
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    Slacker's Story - (21yr)

    Re: Slacker experience thread/blog (21yr) Hi, Thanks for the words of support, I appreciate it. I am still waiting for my doctors appointment this Friday (3 days!). I have been on minoxidril for 8 days now, and I seem to have an itchy scalp from time to time in the area where I placed the...
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    Slacker's Story - (21yr)

    UPDATE PAGE 2 Hello Guys, Ever since I was 16 I got noticed at school for "going bald" which is very obvious when you have short hair. Now that I turned 21 I decided enough is enough and why not try threatment for a few months and see what happens. Time w/o doing anything will only make it...
  8. S

    Newbie - where to get Proscar for cheap? (college student)

    Hi guys im 21 and starting to go bald, so I took the firm decision to buy Proscar and split it to make the best outta my money. What places can I buy them from that are cheap/affordable? Any brands or generics OK? thanks :)