Recent content by Shedster

  1. S

    Saw Palmetto Made My Balls Bigger And Boosted My Libido

    From what I've read, a lot of people get an increased libido in the first few months of taking finasteride and then it slowly declines. Our situation might be different though. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc and I know that alone can increase sex drive and thicken your seamen. I believe zinc also...
  2. S

    Ketoconazole 2% Does More Harm Than Good?

    Be careful with keto shampoos. At first it was great. The first application felt amazing on my inflamed scalp and made my hair instantly thicker. After using it 3 times a week I got somewhat dependant on it and went to every other day. After 3 or 4 months I was definitely shedding a lot more...
  3. S

    Saw Palmetto Made My Balls Bigger And Boosted My Libido

    I can certainly say you aren't the only one with these side effects. If I can even call them that... I didn't even think about checking my testies until I came across your post and they are definitely larger. I also started saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extract about 3 weeks ago and my libido is...