Recent content by SAMY

  1. S

    Stemson is going to use minipigs in the next stage of their hair cloning research

    Every time we get bad news from clinical trials on alopecia and i don't want to live with the 5-YEARS AWAY lie anymore. I will shave and try to accept.
  2. S

    How close are we to FUE using hair cloning?

    Dr Christian ******** (Belgium)
  3. S

    How close are we to FUE using hair cloning?

    Its a LIVE on INSTAGRAM about hair restoration, hosted by Dr Pradeep Sethi (India), Guests: Dr Koray Erdoğan (Istanbul) and Dr Christian ******** (Belgium).
  4. S

    How close are we to FUE using hair cloning?
  5. S

    Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

    Sed day for the community :(
  6. S

    10 things I learned in the 2020s (seven words)

    11. we have all in this forum a Body dysmorphic disorder
  7. S

    RIKEN Announcement: Succeeded in Developing Tech for HF Regenerative Medicine: Study to be Published Feb 10

    if you find this way of presenting a scientific novelty to be professional on Twiter instead of first being published in a publication then your speculation will be logical.