Recent content by reallysad

  1. R

    Those on Propecia: What ACTUAL side effects have you had?

    Can anyone tell me how to identify whether I have developed gyno? During the time I have been taking Propecia, I have also undergone great stress due to my hairloss. Since I handle stress by eating a lot... My weight went up by 10kg. Now I can't decide whether I am developing gyno or its...
  2. R

    seriously considering suicide

    Hey, I face the same thing too and I get depressed easily. I don;t like to go on holidays with my friends cause then after a bath, they would know my problem. Same with playing soccer in the rain etc... Don't go swimming anymore because there are myths? that it is bad for the hair. Worse, I used...
  3. R

    Seborreic dermatitis and regrowth

    minoxidil would worsen your skin condition so don't use it until you get your skin cured first with nizoral. Since you are so sure that your hair loss is caused by your skin problem, there is absolutely no need to start on minoxidil and propecia.
  4. R

    how long does propecia shedding last?

    For those shedding due to Propecia, maybe you want to give T-gel a try? Initially, after using T-gel for 2 weeks, my shedding stopped. Then I decided to use it only once a week and the shedding came back. Now, I am using it everyday and everythings seems ok so far. No scientific explaination or...
  5. R

    To all T-gel users!

    Is it ok to use T-Gel everyday?
  6. R

    now or never to start, please offer advice

    I just thought I would like to warn you that any treatment entails risks (eg. increased hairloss). If your aim is to keep your hair in the short term, you might be better off not using anything. Treatments are for long-term benefits....
  7. R

    flaking from minoxidil

    I too suffered from flaking when I used minoxidil and no, it would not disappear on its own. I suggest using T-gel. Flaking will clear up in 2 weeks. However, its still advisable to use T-gel every 3-5 days
  8. R

    Quitting Propecia after 7 months.

    How do you decide whether its gyno or whether its just a case of you growing fatter?
  9. R

    Question for HairLossTalk......

    I think I agree to a certain extent with what Bruce says., you claim that you base your opinions on data. However, I do observe that you use it only when it supports your arguments. Firstly, you say that doctors know nuts. And you based it on your own experience, fine.... but also on...
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    I am not trying to jinx myself but I think my shedding has stopped for the past few days. It stopped after I started using some tar shampoo. So maybe having a healthy scalp works. Either that or I have hopefully got past the shedding part. I have now taken a wait and see attitude cos my...
  11. R

    Noticed a nice side effect from finasteride

    Recently, I notice that my semen is watery. Is that a sign that propecia is starting to take effect?
  12. R

    minoxidil causing extreme flacky scalp issues + a finasteride question.

    I applied minoxidil and got the same condition. I went to see the doctor and got some cream and tar shampoo. To quicken the recovery process, I requested for pills and got some nizoral pills.
  13. R

    I went to see a proper hair specialist

    update: The doctor told me that I have developed a skin problem from either stress or minoxidil. Layer of skin on my head i suppose. Other than tar shampoo and cream, I requested for pills. I was given Nizoral pills. Does it have the same effect as Nizoral shampoo?
  14. R

    quitting finasteride!

    My situation got worse after taking propecia Can you tell me how long u took it?
  15. R

    What happens when propecia works?

    I don't really need a medal. In fact, I would give my life to be one of the responders! Did anyone take a full year before they see any impact?