Recent content by phellma

  1. P

    biopsy test

    How Long Does Biopsy Test Take to get back? I went to a specialist last Monday that studies in Vulvar Cancer..He did biospy last Monday and he told me to call my dr Friday she hasn't gotton result's as of friday.Does anyone know how long that? ________________________ market samurai ~...
  2. P

    Can a scalp biopsy determine if one is suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia?

    Has anyone had a fine needle biopsy of a thyroid nodule? How bad was it? I am 47 year female with 2 nodules on my thyroid one is 3.5 cm the other less than 1. I am scared to death of it being cancerous and scared of the biopsy on Friday. I have had it for about 2 years at least and dont have any...