Recent content by Petch

  1. P

    Feelings of disconnection

    It's called living in the past, which sucks for obvious reasons. Best thing to do is just face your problems head on. They ain't gonna go away.
  2. P

    Norwood, as Art

  3. P

    What Does Your Significant Other Think...

    LOL..Gunner you poor bugger.
  4. P

    DarklyCharming's Surgery Website

    I think you hair looks okay Darkly. I would be happy with it if i were you, but i'm not so good will look great soon. What are you having done? Just work on bring the hairline forward? what about the back or mid scalp area?
  5. P

    Alviarmani Quote

    Tu shay. I went to the effort of taking pics and loading them up on his website and the damn thing crashed. f*** it.
  6. P

    cold play

    sh*t. I never knew Chris Martin's hair got that bad...WTF did he do? I have followed U2 for a while and thought Bono's hair looked different....but f*** me he had the thickest hair when he was younger. I heard the Edge had a transplant too, but he still always wears his hat.
  7. P

    Norwood, as Art

    Norwood is everywhere! Petchski
  8. P


    Not sure whether it's recommended but i would love to hear you explain to a new girlfriend why you wear a bandana to bed :lol: Petchsky....
  9. P


    Take no notice of what people say...I remember being 16 and at school and people calling me baldy and i really did have a full head of hair back then...just a high forehead. Idiots. Petchsky