Recent content by perplexedguy

  1. P

    realistically when are we going to see a 'cure'?

    It will be. You have to be optimistic. Check out RepliCel and Histogen. Their products are expected to be out in 2018 in Japan if all goes well. Japan because of less strict regulations. You need two phase trials instead of three and stuff like that. You can search it up. Not a complete cure but...
  2. P

    Rogaine 3.5 months

    Thats way better recovery than most of the people who use the big 3 here :notworthy you are one lucky dude.
  3. P

    finasteride alone, no rogaine

    - - - Updated - - - What stage were you at when you started treatment? and have you experienced those sexual side effects?
  4. P

    How bad is my thinning/balding?

    I know finasteride will STOP the hair loss, but I am taking about REVERSING. Can i expect to regrow hair all the way to nw1 since I am still young and except for a receding hairline, i don't have a bald area YET?
  5. P

    How bad is my thinning/balding?

    Will finasteride reverse the thinning? what about regrowth? Is it possible to get results from minoxidil alone considering I am just 24?
  6. P

    How bad is my thinning/balding?

    I am 24 and have been experiencing thinning since the last 4 years or so. This is my current situation. What stage is it? Is it appropriate to consult a doctor now?
  7. P

    im sick of trying

    Gaining weight? LOL..go out and make a few sprints..this is a hair loss forum dude
  8. P

    crying so hard.....side effects of finasteride...plz help me out

    Umair, I am not experienced much in this all hair loss stuff but I can say one thing for sure, your stress is making bad things worse. Simple advice : Stop reading the negative stuff ( side effects..failure stories) and start focusing on the good suggestions people are giving you. This will take...
  9. P

    Advice for a Newbie

    how old are you? Do let us know your results after a month. Thanks :)