Recent content by Mr_Reeses

  1. Mr_Reeses


    I believe you, i'm a nw3 and i've noticed a slight improvement to a nw2.5 in 3 months but i'm using dutasteride, minoxidil and revivogen s&c. did you use anything else besides dutasteride?
  2. Mr_Reeses

    Hairstyles That Cover Up a Norwood 3 Hairline?

    I will post pictures towards the end of the month, I'm currently in between taking pictures, I have older ones but I would prefer to take new ones as my hair looks a little thicker from last month. It's amazing how fast things can work if you give it a little time (a few months), you almost...
  3. Mr_Reeses

    Hairstyles That Cover Up a Norwood 3 Hairline?

    Hey guys I have a norwood 3 receding hairline, two round areas in the temple area not the v shape but more of a u shape. i'm currently regrowing some hair and thickening up a bit. i'm just curious are there any good hairstyles that will cover up a norwood 3 hairline without looking obvious that...
  4. Mr_Reeses

    I took her to movies tonight... drove home drunk alone

    ahaha, so true. you going to let your hair cause you to lower your standards?
  5. Mr_Reeses

    Rogaine Extra Strength Liquid Out Of Stalk

    No I haven't tried Amazon or Ebay, that's a good idea. Are they cheaper?
  6. Mr_Reeses

    Rogaine Extra Strength Liquid Out Of Stalk

    When will they be getting more, anyone know?
  7. Mr_Reeses

    Itching and Flaking, Don't Want To Scratch!? With Rogaine 5%

    I've been using Rogaine 5% Liquid along with other products I use in my regime but until recently I hadn't noticed the itching and flaking. I know that it is the Rogaine because I have stopped using it before and the itching and flaking went away. It works really well for my hairline and...
  8. Mr_Reeses

    Some Interesting Ingredients In The Revivogen S&C

    I apologize. Ripple is right, let me fix that! Here is the new description says for Methylchloroisothiazolinone/Methylisothiazolinone: Both cause cosmetic allergies. (they should have said 'can' cause cosmetic allergies imo) Sorry guys, it was an easy mistake and thank you Ripple for...
  9. Mr_Reeses

    Some Interesting Ingredients In The Revivogen S&C

    So I received my Revivogen Shampoo & Conditioner in the mail yesterday and I've decided to do some research, I found the following ingredients in these two products bad for hair health. Shampoo: Methylchloroisothiazolinone/ Methylisothiazolinone: Edit: Both cause cosmetic allergies...
  10. Mr_Reeses

    Does S5 Cream Regrow Hair Or Drown The Hair Follicle?

    Hey guys I had a thought today, maybe S5 Cream drowns the hair follicle (I don't know), I mean can hair even grow or breath with that cream over your scalp? I noticed my hair thickening from my current regime or by some miracle and after using S5 Cream for two weeks I'm worried I may just be...
  11. Mr_Reeses

    Norwood 3 Been Receding For 5 Years Any Hope To Regrow?

    I know what you said, you made that very clear in your last post. Maybe I worded it wrong I give you that but your post "...why are you here asking for help" can't exactly determine whether or not someone is being rude or not in text. I would appreciate a different approach next time...
  12. Mr_Reeses

    duterstride on frontal hariloss

    Hair fell out a week after I started it, those hairs are growing back now, I'm not making it up I have no reason for that. I shave my hair very short, probably why I see things earlier then people with longer hair. everyone is different, why are you out to get me? I'm 21 years old my hair is...
  13. Mr_Reeses

    Canadian spironolactone users

    Top right side of this site, "Get Your Treatments", it comes in a 3 pack or you can buy 1
  14. Mr_Reeses

    duterstride on frontal hariloss

    I've been on dutasteride for 1 month and shed all over my entire scalp including some in the hairline, I have to be honest it scared me but I was patient and now it's growing back thicker and my hairline is coming back slowly. If you decide to go with dutasteride ride out the shed, shedding is a good sign that...