Recent content by Mr T.

  1. Mr T.

    Thanks God

    I didn't say you were self-absorbed because you're concerned about your "hairloss." Nothing wrong with wanting to do something about your hairloss. But your attitude is sh*t. So I guess things like starvation, poverty, disease, war, etc. never really bothered you before and you simply...
  2. Mr T.

    Thanks God

    Don't be a pussy. If there is a God, he's probably punishing you with hair loss because you're a superficial self-absorbed idiot. Big deal, you have a receded hairline. Oh no!! Grow a pair. And Friends is a terrible show.
  3. Mr T.

    That post by 'nana' in the h-loss treatments forum scares me

    I doubt he's lying. He's either a) mistaken about the correlation between his taking Propecia and his developing lymphoma or b) Propecia did cause his lymphoma, but this was an extremely rare and individual reaction to the drug that's almost certain not to occur in anyone else. I don't think...
  4. Mr T.

    Can Propecia affect physical/sexual growth in a young male?

    Dht is necessary for normal sexual development. There is no direct evidence indicating that finasteride will interfere with your development, but theoretically it seems possible. Unless your hairloss is really bad, I wouldn't risk it. Try a topical regimen.
  5. Mr T.

    That post by 'nana' in the h-loss treatments forum scares me

    One person claiming that Propecia gave him lymphoma means absolutely nothing. There are millions of men worldwide taking Propecia. Should it be surprising that one of them happens to develop cancer while he is on Propecia? Frankly, I'm surprised that there are people who are frightened of...
  6. Mr T.

    If you are not fully developed, do not take Finasteride

    DHT is necessary for normal sexual development, but I don't think it is necessary for muscle growth or height. I've been reading up just a little on those guys in the Dominican Republic with 5ar2 deficiency. They seem to develop normally from puberty onward (prior to puberty they have...
  7. Mr T.

    Finasteride poll: Who ISN'T on finasteride???

    I might as well go first. I'm not taking finasteride because of some of the stories I've read here that suggest the possibility of long-term problems even after stopping finasteride. Probably not much of a chance of that happening to me, but if it did, I'd be pretty devastated, so I'd rather not risk it...
  8. Mr T.

    Propecia users please!

    Frederick you rascal. Now our polls must duel!!! To the death!!
  9. Mr T.


    Danke schon, Herr Lee. How'd you find out about this Doctor anyhow? Jeremy
  10. Mr T.

    Finasteride poll: Who ISN'T on finasteride???

    Here's an interesting poll I thought of: who ISN'T on finasteride??? If you are so inclined, please share your reason for not being on finasteride as well. And what treatments you are using in place of finasteride. Thanks everyone. Jeremy P.S. Please no flames about how great finasteride is. I'm...
  11. Mr T.

    Diffuse Thinners--Right Here!

    I am also glad I have diffuse thinning. I was far too happy and socially successful. Thank you for remedying that diffuse thinning! Yay!!!!!!
  12. Mr T.


    Bruce, Can you provide a link to Dr. Pezzi's website? I did a search on the guy but nothing came up. Also, could you tell us what kind of doctor he is and where he is located? Thanks. Jeremy
  13. Mr T.

    propecia dht question

    Sure those guys with 5ar2 deficiency are healthy, but don't they have all sorts of sexual problems?
  14. Mr T.

    propecia dht question

    Propecia lowers serum DHT levels by about 70% I think. Bald guys do not necessarily have high DHT levels. The average balding guy MIGHT have SLIGHTLY higher DHT levels, but that was never proven conclusively. It's not a major factor in my opinion. The far larger probably is androgen...