Recent content by mowingdown

  1. M

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    Noted, thanks! Do you know what’s causing it? I can only think of the needle tips being made of nickel (I’m allergic to nickel)
  2. M

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    Has anyone had an EXTREME itch right after microneedling? This is my first session and my head is so god damn itchy it’s never been this’s been about ten minutes since I did it..
  3. M

    Repigmentation And New Growth Of Hairs After Anti–interleukin-17 Therapy With Secukinumab

    Holy sh*t this is nuts. I was diagnosed with AS a week ago and am looking at this drug as a potential treatment!
  4. M

    Nad Supplementation Anti Aging Supp That Seems To Improve Hair

    That's a pretty bold claim. Care to back it up with photos?
  5. M

    The Oral Seti Results Update Thread

    You still on the Seti grind? Any results?
  6. M

    Setipiprant Does Work, But Only On Really Really High Doses.

    Any chance I can get that info for his independent operation? By the way, I owe you an apology. Quit clearly you've been getting growth in your crown. Really cool to see! edit: sorry just saw it's literally in your first post!
  7. M

    Why The f*** Won’t Jeff Bezos Fund A Research For Hairloss

    Not sure why, but I find this to be one of the most pathetic posts I've seen on here... Hopefully you're not like this when sober, but if you are, get it together dude. Hair is wonderful and trying to keep it is nothing to be ashamed about, but losing your hair isn't the end of the world -...
  8. M

    Setipiprant Does Work, But Only On Really Really High Doses.

    Who is Lewis Who is lewis and where do you grab this seti from? More than willing to try 5.5/g
  9. M

    Setipiprant Does Work, But Only On Really Really High Doses.

    Didn't you complain about your grey complexion on seti on reddit?
  10. M

    Why Aren’t We All On Seti? Seems Better Than finasteride

    How is your lyphar seti trial? Still shedding? I started taking it and have been experiencing some pretty serious brain fog. Any hints of that for you?
  11. M

    Does Setipiprant Need To Be Used With An Anti-androgen?

    I crashed while on it. I tried to power through but it was quickly apparent that things were just getting worse. I got off as fast as possible and I luckily didn't see a greater crash, but it took over a year to get back to baseline. I'm thankful I'm at where I was pre-finasteride, but it was a really...
  12. M

    Does Setipiprant Need To Be Used With An Anti-androgen?

    Well said. Same thing happened to me. I noticed some libido issues which is where I drew the line before I initially started finasteride (libido + brain fog were a no go for me). Within 3 weeks it was a hard crash and it took almost a full year to get back to baseline. Keep chugging along, workout, make...
  13. M

    Setipiprant - Frequently Asked Questions

    How is your seti use going? Shed, no shed?