Recent content by monkeypants

  1. M

    Intercytex on BBC news site
  2. M

    Rogaine and hair dye, any problems ?

    I'll give it a go anywy and take you're advice about laying off the topical for a day. cheers !
  3. M

    Rogaine and hair dye, any problems ?

    Hi, Been thinking of dying my hair blonde to match my scalp colour (and make my hair loss less noticeble). I remember when I spilt a drop of rogaine on a red book cover it turned into a white splodge (obviously bleached the red dye out of it). Will the same thing happen when I use rogaine...
  4. M

    Chest pain and heart palpitations due to Minoxidil??

    I was having chest / heart pain when using 5% minoxidil, I switched to 2% and use about 0.8ml instead of the 1.0ml suggested, much better now and I even think I'm seeing more hair :)
  5. M

    monkeypants story

    Hi, New to this forum but thought I'd share my experience for the record (been reading the 'my story' posts and it helps ) :) So I'm giving my 2 cents worth in appreciation of previous postings Well... been loosing my hair since I was about 20 at a veeery slow process. It all accerated when...
  6. M

    I have no "game" with women. I need help guys.

    pulling women is down to one thing and one thing only CONFIDENCE. As long as you're not hidious to look at and have an ok personality that is all you need. Might sound like a simple answer but it is true. Getting that confidence (especially for us baldies) is another matter.
  7. M

    should I keep taking Propecia ?

    Hi, I've been taking Propecia for about 18 months now but am still loosing hair at about the same rate. Should I continue or just accept its not working for me ? I guess I'm worried I may have lost loads more hair had I not been taking (and it will all fall out if I stop)...but then I guess...