Recent content by mjk450

  1. M

    Dutasteride Success thread

    Hey all! I just wanted to give you an update and some hope! I started this thread back in late 08 because I knew that Avodart would work, I just had a feeling. I'm a 22 year old male, started noticing hair loss in 2005, advanced somewhat in 2006 to a NW2-2.5. I started treating with Avodart...
  2. M

    Dutasteride users

    don't waste time on the internet...every month I pay $40 for my genuine prescription of Avodart .5mg See a doctor.
  3. M

    4 month update on Avodart

    Well I started my 4th month a few days ago...I am feeling much better about my hair situation! I may be completely insane, but in the past week or two I have noticed some possible regrowth on my hairline! It's not much, but I have a few hairs beyond the "peach fuzz" state that look promising...
  4. M

    8 months complete on dutasteride...update

    I just started on my 4th month on Avodart. Hair hasn't changed a bit since I started. I haven't seen any advantage/disadvantage to my hairline or crown...I'm on my 3rd month of rogaine foam. I've been loosing less hairs...haven't had to unclog my shower drain since I started on Avodart which is...
  5. M

    Acne Forehead (only?) Propecia 8 Weeks.

    I used to have severe acne...treated w/accutane. I seriously doubt finasteride is causing outbreaks. I'm taking dutasteride which is much stronger than finasteride and have had no outbreaks (well, nothing out of the ordinary). If any of these drugs would cause an outbreak, I'd probably be the first to get it. LOL. I'd...
  6. M


    Regimen 2.5 months on genuine Avodart .5mg daily 2 months on 5% minoxidil foam 2 months on 1% Nizoral I appear to shed less hairs...went from about 130/day to around's a slight improvement, but still kinda depressing. No signs of growth or thickening. kinda at a stand still...not sure...
  7. M

    Dutasteride Success thread

    awesome! yeah i noticed less hair falling out in the shower- don't get me wrong, i still loose hairs, but not as many. Seems encouraging! I admit I got impatient and made an impulse Rogaine purchase last week. I use it on my crown/temples. (started to thin a bit on the crown). I'm optimistic...
  8. M

    Success with dutasteride?

  9. M

    Scalp DHT vs. Serum DHT

    thanks for the reply! So if dutasteride does indeed decrease scalp DHT by 55% (@.5mg/daily). how do studies show regrowth? There is still 45% of the initial DHT in the scalp! Although if dutasteride does decrease the total (serum) DHT by 90- this could be greatly impacting the concentration in all places...
  10. M

    Scalp DHT vs. Serum DHT

    What is the difference between scalp DHT and serum DHT? Some medications (finasteride/dutasteride) block more serum DHT than scalp? What does this mean?
  11. M

    Does Nizoral 1% help block DHT?

    Does Nizoral 1% help block DHT? I have heard this before, but wanted to double check.
  12. M

    Success with dutasteride?

    If anyone has success with Dutasteride, please visit the success stories forum and post in the "Dutasteride Success Thread". I'm really hoping to put together a good list!
  13. M

    Dutasteride Success thread

    Hey dogs! Awesome word of encouragement! I honestly think that's what we need around here. Balding is emotional for a lot of people, including myself, and having a support thread is good. I really hope your right. Some people at work today noticed my thinning on my crown. I just laughed it off...
  14. M

    Dutasteride Success thread

    I'm just on the dutasteride...from what I understand it is a very powerful drug. If in 1 year, when i evaluate, I feel the need to beef up my regimen I'll add minoxidil. Other than that, take Saw Palmetto and use Nizoral. I'm very hesitant to use spironolactone, flutagel etc... How is minoxidil working for you...