Recent content by Michael Harrop

  1. M

    Gut Bacteria Transplant Stopped My Hair Loss (photos)

    Someone shared this thread with me on a microbiome forum. I have some info to add: You need to be extremely cautious when selecting a stool donor. Lots of people jump into FMT without proper research and develop new problems because they incorrectly thought they had a good donor...
  2. M

    YouTube has become a censorship pc brigade dump where if you even fart your out...

    Youtube started using an AI that arbitrarily and secretly removes comments, even from people commenting on their own videos. So discussion on Youtube is completely useless now. There are no specific words or phrases that trigger it; it's completely arbitrary. I tested it extensively.
  3. M

    Creatine and hair loss - any evidence beyond the one study?

    From what I've seen, it may accelerate hair loss in select vulnerable people, but it doesn't cause hair loss.
  4. M

    Intermittent Fasting/fasting And Hair Loss?

    One thing to keep in mind is that there is a lot of scientific research showing that the benefits of fasting are due to the changes to the gut microbiome. So if fasting seems to help you, you might want to look into things like elimination diets, and other microbiome modulation.
  5. M

    Foods that help/hurt hair loss?

    Based on microbiome research, it will likely vary from person to person due to each person's unique gut microbiome. So the best way to figure it out for yourself would be to try an elimination diet. You'd have to be very particular, and keep a detailed food & symptom diary.
  6. M

    Testing - is my account approved now?

    Are we supposed to introduce ourselves somewhere? I tried posting in another thread and it wouldn't let me.