Recent content by Max West

  1. M

    Starting Revivogen treatment and scared already..

    nizoral is very dangerous for liver. Even topically Especially with dermaroller (I wouldn't use dermaroller and nizoral on the same day).. it's like injection... nizoral shampoo should be left for 5 minutes, like in instruction.. You can...
  2. M

    So if I swallow massive amounts of progesterone powder...

    It will cause cancer at least.. I think. And you'll have gynecomastia. Just google about progesterone and cancer..
  3. M

    The most Comprehensive guide to all know hairloss treatments

    No, I mean the powder from the chinese manufacturers.
  4. M

    The most Comprehensive guide to all know hairloss treatments

    It seems that there is no big difference between 1% and 5% CB-03-01 solutions. ... /20101006/ Balding Blog: ... treatment/ Btw, what is stronger? RU58841 or CB-03-01? And how soon will CB-03-01 be available?
  5. M

    Super Cop is much stronger than Folligen ... #375101193 ... uctCode=21 Sounds really great.
  6. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    Regenepure DR shampoo seems a bit stronger than Revita shampoo because of ingredients. Regenepure DR contains saw palmetto and lenolenic acid.. Is it a good alternative to 2% Keto?
  7. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    Here is the info about mixing Folligen and Folligen for blondes btw, what about Ketoconazole 2%? Does it have any sides? Im on 1% now (Revita Shampoo). Should I try 2% with such therapy?
  8. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    Thanks. Unfortunately I still don't have any info about mixing different products. If Folligen and Folligen for blondes have different peptides - It would be good to mix them.
  9. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    I don't think I have any problems with blood pressure, but after 10 years of minoxidil using I think - I will )) Thanks for support but I will use minoxidil only in case Revivogen+Tricomin+Folligen won't work for me. I will use it because im thinking of Revivogen therapy only after 3 years of my active...
  10. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    Shrinkage after stopping the minoxidil treatment. Maybe that's gossips. Anyway minoxidil is not for me, because of blood pressure sides.
  11. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    I don't remember about spironolactone version. I've read about liver and libido problems. Maybe it wasn't the topical one. I'm not sure if I need more androgen blockers.. Im going to use Revivogen to maintain and Tricomin+Folligen to regrow, but they also have androgen blocking specs. I have no...
  12. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    I really don't want to use minoxidil because I've heard that it has withdrawal: after stopping the minoxidil you will lose everything you regrew and even more - not because of DHT, but because of enormous shrinkage of follicle. I understand when stopping Revivogen can cause such effect just because of...
  13. M

    Revivogen + Tricomin + Folligen

    I’m 20 and I have NW2. I've learnt a lot about androgen blockers and growth stimulants. But the data is really old sometimes so I decided to ask many popular questions again. Thinking of using this: DS Laboratories Revita Shampoo DS Laboratories Revita.Cor Conditioner Revivogen (2ml daily)...
  14. M

    Now Foods supp - MSM & glucosamine. Any good? ... ndications
  15. M

    can glucosamine grow hair faster ... ndications