Recent content by Masdonne

  1. M

    Stupid questions about hair loss!

    Is it a good idea massaging my head if a lot of hairs fall? I can easily rub 100 hairs away at the end of the day. I first noticed it 4 years ago. The other day a friend of mine told me he thought my hair looked thicker, I'm not sure about that though. A couple of years ago people could make a...
  2. M

    Any stats on sides due to propecia/finas?

    Ofcourse, that is so, but don't you think that you will get a slightly more accurat result when posting it here rather than on When reading these forums, one can easily notice that, generally, there are two kind of persons; those who are strongly against it, saying never to...
  3. M

    Any stats on sides due to propecia/finas?

    I know there are lots of stats on side effects caused by finas on the web, some say that the 5% with sides are not true. I was wondering if there is any poll on this forum made about sides on finas? It must be very relevant since a lot of guys here are worried about the sides (including me)!
  4. M

    Stupid questions about hair loss!

    Ok, so what you're saying is that just because I can't notice any balding, doesn't mean I'm not balding at all? But can I lose 200-300 hair without balding? And, if I start a regimen before noticing any balidng (with laser for an example) is there any chance that that will trigger my hair loss...
  5. M

    Stupid questions about hair loss!

    I'm going to post a thread about my story eventually, with pics before and now. But for now I'll just ask a couple of simple questions: First, I'm 21 years old, and you can't tell I'm balding, I'm a NW1, but I've been sheading like crazy for several years, changing my hair quality, though no...
  6. M

    Hairloss but not hairloss?

    No wonder my hair looks like sh*t when I treat it like sh*t. Shampoo every day, mad towel and brushing when wet and always touch my hair... The problem is that I, 8 times out of 10, shower in a public gym. If I'd shower my hair, dry it gently with a towel and just let it be I'd make a fool out...
  7. M

    Hairloss but not hairloss?

    Yes, I have stopped washing my hair every day. I only do it every other day maximum. Though I kinda feel my hair loses less hairs when using shampoo, why is that? And why shouldn't I "mad towel"? I tried not use towel nor brushing before and it felt like all the hairs that should have come off...
  8. M

    Hairloss but not hairloss?

    Man, that felt REALLY good to hear. Nice to hear that you can loose up to 200 hairs and not me doomed. I must say that my hair aint thick, every single hair is very thin, though my dermatologist and another guy at a hair clinic told me that my hairs are quite dense. My mom also had great head...
  9. M

    Hairloss but not hairloss?

    Wow, I hope I'm just like your mom :P No, I can't say I have a receeding hairline, you can check my photos in the other thread if you'd like. I take Panto-3, I don't know if you call it the same in english but it's suppose to be good for your hair and nails. I will start taking Omega-3 along...
  10. M

    Hairloss but not hairloss?

    I earlier described my situation in this thread viewtopic.php?t=58441 , where i finally decided to go to a dermatologist. I was glad to hear that i couldn't see any signs of hairloss, not templates. And even though i do have thin hairs, i had "impudently dense hair". Of that I do not know :P...
  11. M

    Masdonnes Story (19/pics/afraid of losing hair!)

    I was told hat Nizoral actually might speed up the hair loss since it contains hydrochloric acids whichs may rip the scalp? How could that be positive for your hair loss? What type of shampoo would you recommend then to lessen the hair loss and not increase it? And you are welcome to comment...
  12. M

    Masdonnes Story (19/pics/afraid of losing hair!)

    Well, for atleast 3 years, when i started noticing it. I mean I have easily lost more than 100 hairs over the last 3 years to I can't really say i see any changes. But the fact I'm losing that much hair can't be a very good sign. Could it be I'm having more hairs growing back aswell? Would like...
  13. M

    Masdonnes Story (19/pics/afraid of losing hair!)

    Thanks for the answers. I think my dads fringe(bangs?) started to get thinner at first, and the all over the place. Im not quite sure I should ask him. I'm very concerned that I will not get a warning such as receeding temples, but just get bald with out warning.
  14. M

    Masdonnes Story (19/pics/afraid of losing hair!)

    Hi everyone. I'm just 19 years old and I've been afraid of losing hair ever since it hit me that i might lose hair since my dad was balding and I've got thin hair. I'm from Scandinavia, so I'm sorry for my broken english - I'm not a native speaker. Though I don't suffer from visible hair loss...